Watch these amazing mums give birth in a compilation of clips from around the world
(...and have tissues at the ready - it makes for hugely emotional viewing)

Wow - it's like a video montage of all the best bits of One Born Every Minute and we're glued! The film was made by Birth Becomes Her, a website which aims to 'inspire both expectant parents and birth professionals' by sharing powerful birth imagery.
The women behind the company, Monet Nicole and Jennifer Mason, are both birth photographers, and their website is a visual tribute to labouring and new mums.
Sharing the video on You Tube, they wrote: "in honor of mothers around the world, Birth Becomes Her compiled these authentic and powerful moments of women meeting their babies for the very first time.
"No matter where you give birth or how you welcome your baby into your life, your story is beautiful. Tag a mother or a woman you love. We're all in this together."
The moving clips celebrate birth and motherhood in all its forms - from water and home births, through to parents meeting their surrogate baby for the first time (gulp).
This whole baby making and mothering business is blimmin' amazing, right?
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