Picking out baby clothes can be such a personal thing - and such a fun thing to do, too. But the truth is, our little ones grow out of them oh-so quickly, especially when they're really young.


And now a mum from Denmark, Vigga Svennson, is encouraging mums in her home country to rent rather than buy baby clothes.

For £42 a month, they can sign up to her website to get a box of clothes to fit their baby, which are returned when they're ready for the next size along.

The clothes are then washed and cleaned and passed on to another family, and will be rented out up to 10 times depending on wear and tear.

Vigga explains that, while working for an ethical kids' clothing company for 10 years, the garments weren't as green as they could be - because more and more were being made, and ending up as landfill, after maybe 20 uses.

Instead, she said, she wanted to come up with "a whole new system of using" baby clothes.

Without doubt, Vigga's challenging the throwaway mentality around baby clothes. Hers are made from organic materials, and we can definitely see merit in this scheme, especially in helping to reduce waste.

On the other hand, quite a few mums here in the MFM team have said they're not sure they'd want to pay that much per month for clothes they didn't get to choose - and that if they're honest, they'd rather save the monthly tab for someone else to 're-home' the clothes by doing it themselves (for free) and giving them to a friend with a younger baby.

One of our mums also reckons she might be a tiny bit embarrassed to return the baby grows because, as she remembers it, they'd often end up covered in orange stains.

And at least one item every couple of months would end up in the bin because a particularly bad poonami had rendered it fairly unusable - or at least so badly covered in brown marks you'd be embarrassed to put your little one in it again ?

What do you think?

Do you like the idea of renting baby clothes? Or perhaps it's not for you? Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook

Photo: vigga.us

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
