Picking your little one’s name can be pretty challenging, right?


There are SO many good names to choose from, and then of course, there’s names we’d like for a boy, and names we’d like for a girl, depending on what we’re having…

Celeb mum Holly Willoughby reveals what she’d have named her sons Harry, 8, and Chester, 2, had they been girls – among other personal tidbits – as she takes on our celeb mum quiz…

MFM: Any baby names you almost picked?

Holly: Harry was going to be Molly, Belle was going to be Chester if she’d been a boy, and if Chester had been a girl, we liked Daisy.

When did you last find the Holy Grail: a decent lie-in?

Oh God - when did I have a lie in? Dan’s quite good – we don’t have like an official ‘oh I’ll wake up tomorrow you have a lie in’ type thing but we’re quite good at gaging what the other needs. I can sense when he just needs a bit of a lie-in.

And when I say lie-in, I mean like 8.30. Max. Not like in the old days.

Do you have a tantrum-taming trick you’d like to share?

Distraction, always distraction – or coming up with a trusty quiz.

When’s the last time they made you laugh?

They’re always making me laugh, constantly. Last weekend, they were on the slip’n’slide and I was literally crying. The way they were coming down the slide was summing up their personalities and it was just very funny.

What’s the last kids film you cried at?

Oh God, I’m always crying. I’ll tell you what I started crying at last - Boss Baby. When the baby’s singing ‘in the dead of night’, it was just so cute, and that set me off. Like, happy crying.

Is there anything you swore you’d never do as a parent, that you do now?

Saying the usual things like ‘it’s not a hotel’ or ‘it’s not a restaurant’ – those things your mum used to say to you.

Are you strict or super chilled out?

A mixture of both. I want them to have fun - they’re kids - but when it comes to manners or the way they speak to people, I think I’m quite tough on them.

Do you like a family routine or do you prefer to go with the flow?

When they’re babies, routine. It definitely helped me out. Especially with the older 2 'cos they were quite close in age, and I felt more in control with a plan.

But it’s good to have a plan and not freak out when you have to be a bit flexible – there’s a middle ground.

What’s your hero baby product?

Jellycat rabbits! They all have them – and still have them now. They snuggled into them. I think it helped them - they slept with those every night.


Holly’s new book, Truly Scrumptious Baby, is out soon

Images: Instagram/Holly Willoughby

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