This is just so funny – how much fun is this nipper having?


The footage came to light when 6-year-old Dylan's dad, Cody, noticed that their security camera was unplugged, so decided to take a look at the last recorded footage on it before setting it back up.

Expecting no more than hours of repetitive footage of the family's Florida home, he settled down to watch. And was more than a bit surprised to see Dylan having the time of his life while the rest of the family snored peacefully in their beds.

The video showed Dylan turning cartwheels, jumping on and off the sofas AND punching them, as well as somersaulting in the air...

Basically, all the stuff his parents had no doubt told him he absolutely was not to do, ever! (And all the stuff that is just soooo appealing when you are 6.)

In an interview with ABC News, Cody said that Dylan had previously claimed he 'sometimes' got up at 2am, but he thought he was joking, or just exaggerating about how early he wakes. Out of the mouths of babes, eh?

Fortunately, Cody was mega amused by his little boy's antics.

"Every time we watch it’s still hysterical," he told the news channel. "You want to be mad at him since he’s jumping on our brand new couches, but he’s just so cute."

We love it - particularly because it was Dylan's own attempts to erase all evidence of his twilight Ninja-style shenanigans by unplugging the camera that brought it all to light in the first place.

Naturally, the web has gone a bit crazy for it too, with Cody's original Facebook post (where he said his son was 'so dead' LOL) notching up some 54k views.

We just hope it doesn't give our kids any ideas... ?

Image: Facebook/Cody Wray

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