Many mums secretly (or not so secretly!) want their child’s first ever word to be 'mama' - and it would seem that Kim Kardashian West is no exception.


Unluckily for her, it also seems her rapper husband Kanye West wanted 7-month-old son Saint’s first word to be his name, 'dada'.

So – which parent won the battle? Did Kim triumph in the end?

Sadly for her, she did not. It was Kanye who emerged victorious in the battle for the first word ever spoken by Saint West.

"[Saint] said 'dada' today, three times and I was like 'what?’” a disappointed Kim revealed to E! News.

"Kanye was so excited. He was like 'I told him to say that.'

“I was like, 'I just really wanted him to say mama first.'"

We can totally understand why Kim would feel that way. Many of us have been there ourselves.

But to all the mums out there who got a slap-in-the-face ‘dada’ as their little one’s first word - you might be interested to know it doesn’t really have much to do with dad himself.

Science says that most babies say something similar to ‘dada’ before ‘mama’ because the ‘d’ sound is much easier for a baby to pronounce.

The ‘g’ sound in ‘glug’ is usually one of the first sounds produced (good news for grandma!), which soon leads to 'd' and 'k' sounds.

The ‘m’ in ‘mum’ is harder to pronounce because it requires the lips to touch, and for slightly longer than a ‘b’ sound, and babies haven’t yet figured that head-scratcher out - which is why ‘mama’ comes along a little later in a child’s language development.

All these gurgling noises and sounds are (perhaps unsurprisingly) called ‘babbling’ - and it’s basically your baby’s way of learning the sounds they’ll need for talking.

So fear not, Kim! It definitely doesn’t suggest that baby loves daddy more than mummy. Saint's just getting used to his voice and figuring out what sounds he can make.

Let’s not tell dad, though, yeah? ??

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Images: Instagram / Kim Kardashian West

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