This photo of a mum 'breastercising' has caused quite a stir on Facebook.


The picture shows mum-of-6 Sharny Kieser doing lunges while breastfeeding her 2-week-old son Magnus.

“I caught Sharny multitasking today. In public. ‪#‎breastercising,” her husband Julius, an Australian personal trainer, wrote sharing the picture on Facebook.

But the fitness-loving couple couldn't have predicted the reaction to the post would be so divided.

"You are one super mum - go on you," one supporter commented.

"I guess when you are a busy mum you have to make every minute count. I have done a lot of crazy things whilst breastfeeding like gone to the toilet, cooking and grocery shopping," another who could see the benefits of multitasking added.

But others accused Sharny's breastercising of not being necessary at all.

"Really! Breastfeeding while exercising? I breastfed my 3 children and felt that they deserved all my time and energy whether it be in public or private.

"Don't have an issue with breastfeeding at all, I think it's wonderful, but for the little time you have them as tiny tots could you cut the multitasking crap for 10 mins and enjoy the one on one time with your child?

"We are/were all busy mums but I think our children deserve us to be completely in the moment with them," one mum commented.

"I honestly don't understand why it's necessary to exercise whilst breastfeeding? Is it even comfortable? Can you concentrate on doing the exercise properly?" another questioned the practice.


But fitness fanatic Sharny didn't take the comments to heart and responded to the negativity by posting another picture.

"Sometimes when I'm #breastercising, I live dangerously and do a really deep squat like this," she commented.

The 35-year-old, who's also a fitness trainer, decided to get fitter than ever after her 4th child. And after losing 52lb she hasn't looked back.


Explaining the controversial breastercising pictures, she said: "A lot of people think it’s gross or strange or that I should be bonding with Magnus, but I feed 6 times a day, I’m not exercising every time and when I do I’m also watching the kids ride around on their scooters and play outside."

"It’s not like I’m running or leg pressing or doing weights, I’m doing squats and lunges as they are the easiest things to do while feeding," she told Daily Mail Australia. "Then at night we sit quietly and feed."

Photos: Facebook / Sharny and Julius

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