Would you burn off your baby’s umbilical cord?
New birth trend sees families burn the cord instead of cutting it

Every now and again a new birth trend comes along that divides opinion.
From lotus births to eating your placenta, there are all kinds of things outside of the norm that mums around the world do because they believe it has benefits for mum and baby. But they do sometimes sound a little outlandish.
And the latest birth trend is no different.
Cord burning involves severing your baby’s umbilical cord using a flame instead of clamps and scissors.
The unconventional process is now intended to slow down the separation between baby and mum. But historically, it was used as a way to lower the chance of infection and bleeding after birth.
When Samantha Geston gave birth in Santa Cruz, California, she invited her family to help her hold a candle underneath the umbilical cord until it burned through – taking about 20 minutes.
"Everyone took a part in it, everyone helped sever that connection, and it wasn’t rushed or forced. We took our time," the 24-year-old mum told TODAY Parents.
"It was really magical and everyone was so happy and it was just the perfect way to end a beautiful pregnancy and a beautiful birth."

The new mum cradled her son Beren in her arms while his foot-long cord was stretched out away from him and the placenta rested in a bowl.
Another family – who chose to raise anonymous – had all 3 of their other children involved in the process.
"If parents want cord burning, there is no reason to prevent them from getting it done provided it can be done safely," Dr. Iffath Hoskins, vice chair of patient safety and quality in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center said. That means taking all possible steps to avoid burns to the baby and no open flames in a medical or hospital setting, she added.
We've yet to hear if the trend is being adopted in the UK. Would you try cord burning? Let us know in the comments below…
Photos: Santa Cruz Birth Photography
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