A shocking photo of a baby sitting on the edge of 2000ft cliff Preikestolen in Southern Norway has sparked outrage on social media.


The Preikestolen cliff, also known as Pulpit Rock, is famous for its stunning views and the fact it’s completely unfenced. It makes the area a popular spot for tourists and hikers to come and take dramatic photos.

But one hiker dad couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw a family let their baby crawl alarmingly close to the edge of the cliff and then take a souvenir snap.

“They let the baby crawl near the edge and they even walked back a few steps so that they could take pictures of the baby with Preikestolen in the background,” bystander Fred Sirevåg told the The Local Norway.

“A baby can easily tip around and it’s really unpredictable and you never know when that will happen,” he added to the MailOnline. “You’d be pretty much dead if you fall down there.”

After taking a photo of the incident, Fred then says he went to warn the parents, but the incident was over “so quickly” that the family had already moved on.

Preben Falck, the general manager of Stavanger Tourist Association in Norway, encouraged families to be more careful when visiting the attraction and advised that children should be kept at a very safe distance away from the edge.

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Photo: Fred Sirevåg / Chris Kitching / Twitter

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