16 things you didn't know about your pregnancy
Our midwife reveals intriguing facts about your pregnancy, labour and newborn

By 16 weeks of pregnancy your baby has her own fingerprints
Women who start maternity leave in the last month of their pregnancy are less likely to have a caesarean
Eating high GI snacks between meals (eg chocolate and white bread) during your third trimester may result in a heavier baby
Baby girls are more likely to be born breech (bottom first) than boys
90% of babies become jaundiced in the first few days after birth, many in reaction to leaving the womb.
A caesarean section is more likely if labour is induced before 39 weeks of pregnancy
Swimming on your front from 34 weeks is good for getting your baby into the right position for the birth
By 16 weeks of pregnancy your baby can yawn and suck his thumb
Children born in late summer and early autumn are slightly taller and have wider bones than those born in winter and spring
Taking folic acid supplements for a year before getting pregnant can reduce the risk of having a premature birth
Dried apricots and raisins are a perfect between-meals snack for mums to be as they’re packed full of iron
Your placenta at full term will weigh approximately one sixth of your baby’s weight.
You don’t lose as much hair in pregnancy as you would normally, hence the glossy locks!
After 25 weeks of pregnancy the top of your bump to your pubic bone (where your pubic hair starts) measures about 1cm for each pregnancy week
The shape of your bump depends on your weight, pelvis, how your baby’s lying and how many kids you’ve had
You’re entitled to paid time off from work to attend your antenatal checks