Firstly, don't worry too much. It's very common for pregnant women to get abdominal pain right through pregnancy. But you're right to check out any sort of discomfort you're feeling. Here's what those pains could mean:


Harmless causes of abdominal pain in pregnancy

Wind and bloating Gas in your stomach can make you feel uncomfortable and in real pain. It's down to your hormones but there are ways to limit pregnancy wind and make you feel more comfortable again.

Constipation Changes to your diet, morning sickness and supplements can all make you constipated when you're pregnant. It's no fun but you don't need to suffer. Try these six ways to stop pregnancy constipation.

Braxton Hicks contractions Braxton Hicks are your muscles practising for the contractions they're going to have to do when you give birth. Find out how to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and real labour.

Round ligament pain You'll experience this starting in your second trimester. Round ligament pain can affect your abdomen in one of two ways. It can either feel like a stabbing pain that's over as quickly as it started. Or a dull ache on one or other sides of your abdomen or in your groin. Fine out how to ease round ligament pain

More serious causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy

Miscarriage The first sign that you're having a miscarriage is usually bleeding, followed by some abdominal pain a few hours later. The pain tends to feel like strong period pains. You might also get backache. Find out more about the causes of miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg is implanted outside of where it should be, in the uterus. It's usually in one of the fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancies can be life threatening, so call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

Premature labour This is when labour begins before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Here's what to do if you think you might be experiencing a premature labour.

Placental abruption This is the partial or complete separation of the placenta from the uterus. Bleeding can be a symptom. You could also feel tenderness is your uterus area or back pain or repeating contractions. Some women also experience a cramp that just won't go away. The advice is to contact your doctor straight away. Learn more about your placenta and why it's so important to your baby.

Preeclampsia prevents the placenta from working properly, limiting the supply of food and oxygen to your baby and may also affect your kidneys, liver, lungs, brain and blood clotting system. Find out more about symptoms and treatment of pre eclampsia


Urinary tract infections You become more susceptible to these when you're pregnant and you'll know you have one if you're in pain in your abdomen, have an uncontrollable urge to pee, or get a burning when you're having a wee. Your symptoms shouldn't be ignored when you're pregnant, so go and talk to your doctor.
