Baby boy names beginning with Z – with origins and meanings
On the hunt for baby name ideas for a boy that start with the 25th letter of the alphabet? We’ve got some zappy suggestions, along with their origin and meaning

Read our list of baby boy names beginning with Z with origins and meanings to find out whether your newborn could be a Zabdi, Zareb or Zera
1. Zabdi
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: my gift
2. Zacchaeus
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: pure
3. Zachary
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: God has remembered
- Also: Zacharias, Zachariah, Zak, Zack
4. Zahid
- Origin: Urdu
- Meaning: beautiful, pretty, moon face
5. Zaid
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: master
6. Zain
- Origin: Swahili
- Meaning: flourishing
7. Zaiden,
- Origin: Modern American
- Meaning: increasing, surplus
- Also: Zayden
8. Zareb
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: protector
9. Zashawn
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: God is gracious
10. Zebedee
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: Gift of God; in the bible, Zebedee was the father of two of Jesus's disciples
- Also: Zeb
11. Zedekiah
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: the goodness of Jehovah
- Also: Zed
12. Zera
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: seed
13. Zephaniah
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: God has concealed
- Also: Zeph
About our author Catherine Ball
Catherine Ball is a freelance journalist who specialises in writing about parenting and health. She has been a journalist for 20 years, writing for a wide range of regional and national publications. She is also mum to 4 children between the ages 3 and 12, so has drawn up many, many lists of baby names over the past few years.
Illustration: Emma Winchester
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