Baby girl names beginning with D – with origins and meanings
Looking for baby name ideas for a girl that start with the 4th letter of the alphabet? We’ve got some dazzling and delightful suggestions, along with their origin and meaning

Our list of popular baby names beginning with D includes origins and meanings so you can decide whether your newborn could be a Daffodil, Delilah or Dudee
1. Daffodil
- Origin: Dutch
- Meaning: the name of a flower used as a first name
- Also: Daffy
2. Dagania
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: corn, ceremonial grain
3. Dagmar
- Origin: Old Norse
- Meaning: clear day
4. Dahlia
- Origin: Scandinavian
- Meaning: Dahl's flower; a flower name used as a first name
5. Daisy
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: the name of a flower, from the Old English dægeseage, meaning day's eye
6. Dakota
- Origin: American
- Meaning: the name of a Native American nation used as a first name
7. Dale
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: valley
8. Dallas
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: living on a clearing
9. Daley
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: surname used as a first name
- Also: Daly
10. Damaris
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: the name of an Athenian woman who was converted to Christianity by St Paul
11. Dana
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: a Dane; a surname used as a first name; also used as a boy’s name
12. Danielle
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: God has judged; Daniel was one of the Old Testament prophets; feminine form of Daniel
- Also: Daniella, Danette
13. Daphne
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: laurel
14. Darcy
- Origin: Old French
- Meaning: a man from Arcy; a surname used as a first name; also used as a boy’s name
- Also: Darcie, Darcey
15. Daria
- Origin: Persian
- Meaning: protector; a feminine form of Darius
16. Darlene
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: little dear one
- Also: Darleen
17. Darrell
- Origin: French
- Meaning: formerly a surname derived from the name of a French village, it is now used as a first name; also used as a boy’s name
- Also: Darrelle, Daryl, Darryl
18. Davina
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: beloved; a feminine form of David; David is the patron saint of Wales
- Also: Davida, Vida, Vina
19. Dawn
- Origin: Old English
- Meaning: the first appearance of light, daybreak.
20. Dayo
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: arrival of joy
21. Deborah
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: a bee
- Also: Debra, Debbie, Debby.
22. Decima
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: tenth
23. Dee
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: swarthy; a nickname for someone whose name begins with the letter D
- Also: Deedee, Didi
24. Deepika
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: little lamp
25. Deiondre
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: valley
26. Deirdre
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: possibly, full of sorrow
27. Delia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: a name given to Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon.
28. Delilah
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: a flirt, the name of the woman who betrayed Samson
- Also: Dalila, Lila.
29. Della
- Origin: English
- Meaning: of the nobility
30. Delphine
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: a dolphin
31. Delu
- Origin: African
- Meaning: the only girl
32. Demelza
- Origin: Cornish
- Meaning: fort on the hill
33. Denise
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: derived from Dionysos, the Greek god of wine; a feminine form of Denis
- Also: Dionne, Dione
34. Dericia
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: athletic
35. Desdemona
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: misery; the name of the doomed heroine in Shakespeare’s Othello
36. Désirée
- Origin: French
- Meaning: desired
37. Destiny
- Origin: English
- Meaning: one's certain future
38. Devnet
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: young deer
- Also: Dymphna
39. Dhanishta
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: a star
40. Diamond
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: a modern name taken from the precious stone
41. Diana
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: The name of the Roman goddess of the moon
- Also: Diane, Di, Dianne, Deanna
42. Dido
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: a teacher
43. Dilys
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: genuine
44. Dinah
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: lawsuit
- Also: Dina, Di
45. Dionne
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: a goddess
- Also: Dione
46. Divya
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: heavenly radiance
47. Diya
- Origin: Hindi
- Meaning: lamp, radiance
48. Djamila
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning:beautiful
- Also: Jamila.
49. Dolores
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: a short form of the original meaning Mary of the Sorrows
- Also: Lola, Lolita
50. Dominique
- Origin: Latin, French
- Meaning: Of the Lord
- Also: Dominica (Spanish form)
51. Donalda
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: mighty leader; a feminine form of Donald
- Also: Donella
52. Donata
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: given
53. Donna
- Origin: Italian
- Meaning: a lady
54. Dor
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: a home
- Also: Dorothy, Dorrie, Theodora
55. Dorcas
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: a gazelle
56. Doreen
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: gift; maiden with the golden hair
- Also: Dorothy
57. Dorianne
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: comes from an ancient people from the south of Greece; a feminine form of Dorian
- Also: Doriana
57. Dorinda
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: bountiful gift
- Also: Dorothy
59. Doris
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: uncertain but the name was used in Greek mythology
60. Dorothy
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: gift of God
- Also: Dorothea, Dorinda, Doreen (Irish form) Dorinne, Dorrie, Dolly, Dora, Dot, Dodie and Thea
61. Dorothea
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: gift of god
62. Drusilla
- Origin: Roman, Greek
- Meaning: fruitful or dewy-eyed
63. Dudee
- Origin: English Gypsy
- Meaning: star, bright light
64. Dulcie
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: sweet, lovely
- Also: Dulcibella
65. Durah
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: pearl
66. Durga
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: out of reach
67. Dymphna
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: a fawn
- Also: Devnet
About our author Catherine Ball
Catherine Ball is a freelance journalist who specialises in writing about parenting and health. She has been a journalist for 20 years, writing for a wide range of regional and national publications. She is also mum to 4 children between the ages 3 and 12, so has drawn up many, many lists of baby names over the past few years.
Illustration: Emma Winchester
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