Baby girl names beginning with J – with origins and meanings
Looking for baby name ideas for a girl that start with the 10th letter of the alphabet? We’ve got some joyful suggestions, along with their origin and meaning

Are you making a baby girl name list? Find inspiration from our list of names beginning with J with origins and meanings and find out if your newborn could be a Jacinth, Jayla or Justine
1. Jaanvi
- Origin: Hindi
- Meaning: as precious as life
2. Jacinth
- Origin: Hindi
- Meaning: a precious stone used as a first name
- Also: Hyacinth.
3. Jacoba
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: the feminine form of Jacob
- Also: Jacobine, Jacobina
4. Jacqueline
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: supplanter, someone taking the place of another through force, scheming, or strategy; the feminine form of Jacques
- Also: Jacquetta, Jacaline, Jacquelyn, Jaqueline; Jacky, Jackie, Jacqui
5. Jade
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: the name of the precious stone used as a first name
6. Jael
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: wild she-goat
7. Jaffa
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: beautiful, attractive
8. Jahia
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: success
9. Jahmelia
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: beautiful
10. Jalila
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: greatness
- Also: Galila
11. Jamesina
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: feminine form of James
12. Jamie
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: short form of James; also used as a boy’s name
13. Jamila
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: lovely
- Also: Jamiliah, Djamila (French form)
14. Jan
- Origin: Dutch
- Meaning: God is gracious
- Also: Janet
15. Jane
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: Jehovah is gracious; the feminine form of John
- Also: Jayne, Jenny, Janey, Janie; Janis, Jancis, Janine, Jannine, Janene, Johanna (German form)
16. Janet
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: God is gracious
- Also: Janette, Janetta, Jean, Jeanette, Nettie, Netta (Scottish forms), Jan
17. Janine
- Origin: English
- Meaning: God is gracious
- Also: Jean
18. Japonica
- Origin: New Latin
- Meaning: Japan
19. Jarita
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: bird
20. Jasmine
- Origin: Persian
- Meaning: the name of a flower used as a first name
- Also: Yasmin, Yasmine (Persian forms)
21. Jawahir
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: precious stones
22. Jay
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: win, victory; short form for any name beginning with J; also used as a boy’s name
- Also: Jai
23. Jayla
- Origin: Hebrew/Israeli
- Meaning: to ascend
24. Jean
- Origin: Scottish
- Meaning: Scottish form of Jane
- Also: Jeanie, Jenny
25. Jemima
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: a dove
- Also: Jemimah, Mima, Mina
26. Jenil
- Origin: Indian
- Meaning: victorious
27. Jennifer
- Origin: Cornish
- Meaning: unknown, Cornish form of Guenevere
- Also: Genna, Guenevere, Gaenor, Gaynor, Jenny, Jenni
28. Jermaine
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: brother
- Also: Germaine
29. Jessica
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: God beholds
- Also: Jess, Jessie
30. Jettie
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: centre of attraction
31. Jezebel
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: supremacy
32. Jill
- Origin: English
- Meaning: child of the gods
- Also: Julliana
33. Jina
- Origin: Swahili
- Meaning: named child
34. Joan
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: Jehovah is gracious; the oldest feminine form of John;
- Also: Joanne, Joanie, Joni
35. Jocelyn
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: happy
- Also: Jocelin
36. Jodie
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: woman from Judea
- Also: Judith
37. Johanna
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: God is gracious
- Also: Jane
38. Jordan
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: to go down, relating to the Jordan River flowing into the Dead Sea: also used as a boy’s name
39. Jordyn
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: to flow down; feminised version of Jordan
40. Josephine
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: Jehovah added; the French feminine form of Joseph
- Also: Josepha, Josephina, Jo, Josie, Fifi (French form)
41. Journee
- Origin: French
- Meaning: a trip
- Also: Journey
42. Joy
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: happiness
43. Joyce
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: Lord; also used as a boy’s name
44. Judith
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: woman from Judea
- Also: Jodie, Jody, Judy
45. Julene
- Origin: African American
- Meaning: youthful
46. Julia
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: youthful or Jove's child; the feminine form of Julius;
- Also: Julie, Juliet
47. Juliana
- Origin: latin
- Meaning: derived from the Roman family name Julius; – the feminine form of Julian
- Also: Gillian, Jillian (English forms), Gill, Gilly, Jill, Jilly
48. June
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: the name of the month used as a first name
49. Juno
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: youth; the roman goddess; the queen of the gods
50. Junita
- Origin: Spanish/Hebrew origins
- Meaning: God is gracious
- Also: Nita
51. Justine
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: upright, righteous, true, lawful; the feminine form of Justin
- Also: Justina
About our author Catherine Ball
Catherine Ball is a freelance journalist who specialises in writing about parenting and health. She has been a journalist for 20 years, writing for a wide range of regional and national publications. She is also mum to 4 children between the ages 3 and 12, so has drawn up many, many lists of baby names over the past few years.
Illustration: Emma Winchester
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