Baby girl names beginning with O – with origins and meanings
Looking for baby name ideas for a girl that start with the 15th letter of the alphabet? We’ve got some outstanding suggestions, along with their origin and meaning
![Girl O The letter O](,654)
Here are some baby girl name ideas beginning with O along with their origin and meaning to help you decide if your daughter could be an Obelia, Orlanda or Ottilie
1. Obedience
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: listen to or submit to
2. Obelia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: marker, pointer, needle
3. Ocean
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: the sea
4. Octavia
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: eighth; Derived from a Roman family name; the feminine form of Octavius
- Also: Ottavia (Italian form)
5. Odeda
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: courageous or Strong
6. Odelia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: song
7. Odette
- Origin: French
- Meaning: wealth
- Also: Odile, Ottavia (Italian form), Ottilie
8. Olga
- Origin: Old Norse
- Meaning: blessed, holy
- Also: Helga
9. Olivia
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: olive; the feminine form of Oliver
- Also: Olive, Livia
10. Olwen
- Origin: Welsh
- Meaning: white trail
- Also: Olwyn
11. Oonagh
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: lamb
- Also: Oona, Una
12. Oorvi
- Origin: Indian
- Meaning: earth
13. Opal
- Origin: Sanskrit
- Meaning: name of a gemstone used as a first name
14. Ophelia
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: succour
15. Ophrah
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: gazelle
- Also: Ofra, Oprah
16. Oriana
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: to rise
17. Oriel
- Origin: French
- Meaning: gold
- Also: Aurelia, Oriole
18. Orla
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: golden princess
- Also: Orlagh, Orlaith
19. Orlanda
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: famous land; feminine form of Orlando, a derivative of Roland
20. Ottilie
- Origin: Old German
- Meaning: wealth
- Also: Ottilia, Ottoline; Odette, Odile (French forms)
About our author Catherine Ball
Catherine Ball is a freelance journalist who specialises in writing about parenting and health. She has been a journalist for 20 years, writing for a wide range of regional and national publications. She is also mum to 4 children between the ages 3 and 12, so has drawn up many, many lists of baby names over the past few years.
Illustration: Emma Winchester
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