150 Irish baby girl names - how to say them and their meanings
Considering an Irish name for your baby girl? We've compiled a brilliant list to inspire you with 150 of the most popular, traditional, pretty, unique, cool and interesting Irish girls' names, each with their origin, meaning and pronunciation

Irish girls names have a charming musical quality with soft sounds reflecting the melodious intonation and rhythm of the Irish accent and Gaelic language. It's not just how lovely they sound that make Irish girls' names such a brilliant choice for your baby girl - many Irish names are derived from mythology or folklore, so often have beautiful, ethereal meanings to match.
Many parents choose an Irish name to celebrate their own heritage or family connections to the Emerald Isle. However, with some of the prettiest names on the planet coming from Ireland, it's no surprise that more and more of us are picking names with Irish origins every year, with choices such as Imogen, Orla and Maeve regularly making it into the UK's list of top 100 most popular names for girls.
We know that picking a name for your new baby girl can be both overwhelming and exciting, with so many gorgeous options to sift through, so to help make it quicker and easier for you we've compiled a list of the top 150 Irish girls names. We've divided them into easy-to-digest sections such as the most popular Irish girls' names as well as traditional and old-fashioned names, pretty names and some unusual and unique options too.
Need help picking a baby name with quintessential English charm , discover our list of the top English baby names and search for a name with a Celtic heritage for your new baby? We've compiled a brilliant list of Celtic baby names for both boys and girls with roots in old Welsh, Irish, Scottish, Breton, Manx and Cornish cultures. For cute, unique, popular and cool baby girl names have a look through our list of the best girl names that sound effortlessly on-trend, quirky and modern.
To help you with that final decision we've also included the origin and meaning for each one and, as many Irish names are derived from the Gaelic language with difficult to decipher spellings, their anglicised versions and pronunciations too. Watch out for any accents, known as a fada (an Irish diacritic marking added to the top of any vowel), which means the vowel has a long sound rather than a short one. Want to know which lovely traditional baby girl names are making a comeback? We've put together a list of 100 gorgeous old lady names for parents looking for a baby girl name with a sense of history.
Here's our list of 150 beautiful Irish girls names to inspire you...
Popular Irish girls names | Traditional Irish girls names | Unusual Irish girls names | Cool Irish girls names | Short Irish girls names | Pretty Irish girls names | Cute Irish girls names | Modern Irish girls names | Gender neutral Irish girls names
Popular Irish girls names
Some of the UK's most popular girls' names have Irish origins, including Imogen, Molly and Maeve. While no Irish names make it into the top 10 most popular girl names registered in England and Wales in 2022 (the 2023 list hasn't been released yet), 6 names did appear in the top 100 according to the Office for National Statistics. Some of these names are in their more common anglicised versions, rather than the original Irish spelling, although all have original roots in the beautiful Gaelic language.
We've also included the most popular Irish names that feature in Scotland's top 100 girl names, collected by the National Records of Scotland. With Ireland and Scotland's shared Celtic language links, it's no surprise that Irish names are common in Scotland with 5 names making it onto the Scottish list. You'll also find the most popular Irish girls names chosen for babies born in Northern Ireland in 2023 according to Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), which as you can imagine, features many names with Irish origins in its top 100, including Fiadh, which comes in at number 2 and Aoife at number 8.
1. Evelyn (eve-linn)
- Origin: Norman/ Irish
- Meaning: wished for, beauty; anglicised version of Aibhilín or Éibhleann
- Trend: moving up
2. Imogen
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: maiden, innocent
- Trend: moving up
3. Erin or Éireann (air-uhn)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: Ireland
- Trend: moving down
4. Orla, Orlagh or Órfhlaith (awr-la)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: golden ruler
- Trend: moving up
5. Molly or Mollie
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: Bitter
- Trend: moving down
6. Maeve (may-eev)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: intoxicating; she who rules
- Trend: moving up
7. Mirren (mirr-uhn)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: drop of the sea; beloved
- Trend: moving up
8. Aoife (ee-fa)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: beautiful, radiant
- Trend: moving up
9. Niamh (neev)
- Origin: Old Irish
- Meaning: bright, radiant
- Trend: moving down
10. Fiadh (fee-a)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: wild, deer
- Trend: moving up
11. Quinn (kw-in-h)
- Origin: Old Irish
- Meaning: wise, sense, reason
- Trend: moving up
12. Rowan (row-uhn)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: red-haired
- Trend: moving up
Traditional Irish girls names

With a rich history spanning centuries, the Gaelic language and being famed for its many oral folk stories that have been passed down from generation to generation, Ireland has lots of beautiful old and traditional names to choose from for baby girls. If you like names with a classic sound or that have been tried-and-tested over many years then this is the list for you. Some names like Deirdre, Maureen and Moira have lost their popularity in recent years with pretty names like Clodagh, Siobhan, and Gráinne rising up through the ranks. Many of the names in this list are common in Ireland, but would be a little more unusual if you're looking to stand out from the crowd when used outside the Emerald Isle.
13. Aisling (ash-ling)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: dream, vision
14. Bridget or Brighid (brij-id)
- Origin: Irish Gaelic
- Meaning: power, strength
15. Bronagh (bro-nah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: sorrow
16. Clodagh (clo-dah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: from an Irish river in Waterford
17. Coleen (kah-leen)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: girl
18. Deirdre (deer-druh)
- Origin: Irish Gaelic
- Meaning: sorrowful, wanderer
19. Deirbhile or Dearbháil (der-vill-a)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: poet's daughter; anglicised version is Dervla
20. Doireann (dir-ann)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: sullen
21. Étaín (ay-tawn) or Éadaoin (aid-deen)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: jealousy, passion
22. Fidelma (fee-dell-ma)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: ever-good, enduring
23. Fiona
- Origin: Irish Gaelic
- Meaning: fair, pale
24. Fionnuala (Feh-noo-la)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: white shoulder
25. Gráinne or Granya (graw-nya)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: love, the sun
26. Kathleen
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: pure
27. Kelly
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: descendent of Ceallach
28. Maire (my-ra)
- Origin: Latin/ Irish
- Meaning: star of the sea; Irish version of Latin name Mary
29. Maureen or Máirín (maw-reen)
- Origin: Latin/ Irish
- Meaning: beloved; wished for child
30. Moira (moy-rah)
- Origin: Greek/ Irish
- Meaning: destiny, fate
31. Muriel (myoor-ee-uhl)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: sea, bright
32. Muireann (mur-in)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: sea white
33. Myrna or Muirne (mir-ne)
- Origin: Irish/ Slavic
- Meaning: beloved, high-spirited
34. Nessa
- Origin: Greek
- Meaning: butterfly ;mother of Conor Mac Nessa, king of Ulster
35. Noreen or Nóirín (noy-rihn)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: honour
36. Oonagh (oo-nuh)
- Origin: Irish/ Scottish
- Meaning: lamb
37. Siobhan (shiv-awn)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: God is gracious
38. Sheila or Síle (shee-la)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: heavenly; the sixth one
39. Treasa (trey-sah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: strength, power
Unusual Irish girls names
These unusual Irish girls' names are as unique as your little one and will really stand out from the crowd both in terms of their spellings and how they sound. If you want an original name for your girl with a special meaning like "bringer of joy" or "my beloved" then you'll find a name to suit in this list. We've included how to pronounce these rare and unusual names too - with many being much easier to say than to spell.
40. Aithne (ay-th-ne)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: fire
41. Assumpta (uh-sump-t-uh)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: Assumption of the Virgin Mary
42. Aurnia (ore-nee-uh)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: golden lady
43. Beibhinn (beh-vin)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: fair lady
44. Bedelia (bed-il-e-uh)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: exalted one
45. Blaine (b-lain)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: yellow; thin
46. Caoilinn (kwee-linn)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: slender, fair
47. Cessair or Ceasair (suh-sair)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: sorrow, affliction
48. Gobnait (gub-net)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: bringer of joy
49. Eachna (ahk-na)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: horse; Irish goddess known for her beauty, brains and style
50. Éireann (eh-re-ann)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: belonging to the Erainn (the 2nd of the Celtic groups to come to Ireland)
51. Líadan (lee-uh-din)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: grey lady, grey poet
52. Mavourneen (ma-vour-neen)
- Origin: Irish Gaelic
- Meaning: my beloved
53. Móirín (mur-in)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: great
54. Muadhnait (moo-an-it)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: little noble one
55. Pádraigín (paw-drig-een)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: female version of Irish for Patrick; noble
56. Rathnait (ra-net)
- Origin: Old Irish
- Meaning: grace, prosperity
57. Ríoghnach (rief-nyak)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: queen
58. Riona (ree-o-na)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: saint, queen
59. Scáthach (ska-ha)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: the shadowy one
60. Síomha (see-o-va)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: good peace
Cool Irish girls names
Many Irish baby names are rooted in history and sound quite traditional. If you're looking for something a little more modern and sleek sounding though as well as an Irish name that is easy to spell and pronounce, then this list is for you. With names inspired by Irish surnames and geographical locations and with meanings including fire goddess and courageous, they are strong choices and you'll certainly be a trend-setter if you choose one of these cool Irish names.
61. Alannah
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: O child
62. Bridget
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: power, strength
63. Bridie (bry-dee)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: exalted one; fire goddess
64. Caitlin
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: pure
65. Carey
- Origin: Irish Gaelic
- Meaning: dark/ black
66. Cassidy
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: clever; curly-haired
67. Dacey
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: anglicized form of Gaelic Déiseach; of the nobility
68. Fianna
- Origin: Scottish/ Irish
- Meaning: band of warriors
69. Kayleigh
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: slender; woodland clearing
70. Morrigan
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: phantom queen in Irish mythology
71. Rylee or Riley
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: courageous, valiant
72. Sadhbh (sigh-ve)
- Origin: Celtic
- Meaning: sweet, lovely
73. Seána or Shauna (shaw-na)
- Origin: Irish Gaelic
- Meaning: god is gracious
74. Shannon
- Origin: Irish Gaelic
- Meaning: wise river
75. Sheridan
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: searcher
76. Tara
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: hill, star
77. Tierney (tee-uh-nee)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: lordly, noble
Short Irish girls names
Short, but sweet, these Irish names have between 3 and 5 letters and are easy to say and spell. A short name is a good choice if your baby's surname is going to be long and multisyllabic and you want to create balance to the name. It also makes life a lot easier for your child to learn to write their name and when it comes to filling out forms later in life! These Irish baby names might be short to say, but they still have lovely meanings and sound pretty and elegant.
78. Áine (awn-ya)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: radiance
79. Alva
- Origin: Anglicized version of Irish Ailbhe
- Meaning: white
80. Bree
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: noble, power
81. Cara
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: friend
82. Ena, Enya or Eithne (en-ya)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: little fire, kernel, grain
83. Evan or Éimhín (eh-viy-n)
- Origin: Welsh/ Irish
- Meaning: swift, active
84. Fia (fee-uh)
- Origin: Irish, shortened version of Fiadh
- Meaning: wild
85. Íde (ee-duh)
- Origin: Old Irish
- Meaning: thirst (as in for knowledge)
86. Líle (lee-leh)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: lily
87. Mona (moh-nuh)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: noble, aristocratic
88. Nóra (naw-ruh)
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: shortened form of Eleanor meaning 'torch' or Honora meaning 'honor, reputation'
89. Orna (or-nah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: anglicization of Odharnait; little pale green one
90. Saibh (sive)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: sweet
91. Shea (shay)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: hawk-like, stately
92. Úna (oo-nah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: one; queen of the fairies in mythology
Pretty Irish girls names

There's no denying that the Irish accent and Gaelic language is full of pretty melodic sounds and none so beautiful as these girls names. If you want to give your daughter a name that is as gorgeous as she looks then this is a good place to start. Many of these names end in an "a" giving them a pretty cadence when spoken, while others are made up of multiple syllables that roll off the tongue in an enjoyable way. They all have beautiful meanings to match too.
93. Alana (uh-lawn-uh)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: my child
94. Alaina (aa-leyn-aa)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: little rock
95. Alastríona (al-as-tree-na)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: to defend, help; female form of Alastar
96. Cadhla (ky-lah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: beautiful, graceful
97. Catriona (kuh-tree-nah)
- Origin: Irish/ Scottish
- Meaning: pure
98. Clíona (klee-ow-na)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: shapely
99. Croía (cree-ya)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: little heart
100. Dáiríne (daa-ree-n-ae)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: fruitful, fertile
101. Edana (ee-dar-na)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: fire
102. Eilís or Eilish (eye-lish)
- Origin: Irish/ Hebrew
- Meaning: my God is an oath
103. Ennis (eh-nihs)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: island, one choice
104. Finola (fih-noh-lah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: white shoulder
105. Isibéal (ish-a-bell)
- Origin: Irish from Hebrew
- Meaning: God is my oath; Irish form of Isabel
106. Kiera (key-rah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: black, dark
107. Meara (mear-a)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: merry, lively, happy
108. Nuala (nu-ala)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: fair shoulder
109. Maura (mawr-uh)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: anglicized form of Máire meaning star of the sea
110. Róis (raw-sh)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: rose
111. Róisin (ro-sheen)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: little rose
112. Rosaleen
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: little rose, anglicized form of Róisin
113. Rowyn (roh-win)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: little red head; version of Rowan derived from Irish Ruadhán
114. Séarlait (shar-lat)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: Irish form of Charlotte; free man
115. Sorcha (sor-aka or surk-ha)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: bright, shining
Cute Irish girls names
Choose a name that's as cute as your baby from this list of charming Irish girls' names and you won't regret it. We love the meanings of these lovely names with flower, pearl and precious perfectly reflecting the innocence and beauty of a baby girl.
116. Aoibheann (ay-veen) or Aoibhe (ee-vah)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: of radiant beauty
117. Ailbhe (al-vah)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: noble, bright, white
118. Bláthnaid (blaw-nid)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: flower, blossom
119. Caoimhe (kwee-va) or Keeva
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: gentle, beautiful, precious
120. Ciara (kee-arr-ah)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: little dark one
121. Clíodhna (klee-uhna)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: shapely
122. Dearbhla (durv-la)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: truth, desire
123. Damhnait (daw-nye)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: calf, fawn
124. Eimear (ee-mur)
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: swift
125. Laoise (lee-sha)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: famous warrior
126. Mairead (maw-raid)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: pearl
127. Saoirse (seer-sha)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: freedom
128. Saraid (sao-rihd)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: excellent
129. Sinead (shi-nayd)
- Origin: Hebrew
- Meaning: God is gracious
130. Síofra
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: elf, changeling
131. Taryn
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: the hills of Ireland
132. Teagan
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: beautiful, perfect
133. Tuilelaith (til-a-la) or Talulla
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: abundance, princess
Gender neutral Irish baby names
Perhaps you want to give your baby the freedom and choice to be exactly who she wants to be when she grows up? Then a strong unisex name could be the perfect option. With names derived from surnames, places, history and folklore, this list of Irish names could be used for both baby girls and baby boys.
134. Aran
- Origin: Irish/ Scottish
- Meaning: mountain of strength
135. Bevin
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: fair lady
136. Casey
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: watchful, brave
137. Collins
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: young hound
138. Darby
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: free from envy
139. Darcy
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: dark-haired
140. Delaney
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: dark challenger
141. Fallon
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: superior; descended from a ruler
142. Kennedy
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: helmeted chief
143. Larkin
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: descendant of Lorcán; fierce
144. Lennon
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: lover, sweetheart
145. Murphy
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: sea warrior
146. Nollaig (null-ig)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: Christmas, joyful, festive
147. Reagan
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: little king
148. Riley
- Origin: Gaelic
- Meaning: valiant; rye meadow
149. Ríonach (ree-in-och)
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: queenly
150. Sloane
- Origin: Irish
- Meaning: raider, warrior
What are the most popular baby girl names in Ireland?
Here are the 10 most popular baby names for girls in Ireland right now, according to the 2023 list of baby names from the Central Statistics Office Ireland. As you'll see, there are only two obviously Irish names in the list - Fiadh and Éabha - with all the other names having clear origins from other countries and cultures.- Grace. Origin: Latin; Meaning: charm, goodness, generosity
- Fiadh. Origin: Irish; Meaning: deer, wildness
- Emily. Origin: Latin; Meaning: to emulate
- Sophie. Origin: Greek; Meaning: wisdom
- Lily. Origin: Latin; Meaning: pure, rebirth
- Ellie. Origin: Greek; Meaning: light
- Mia. Origin: Spanish/ Italian; Meaning: mine
- Amelia. Origin: Latin; Meaning: hard working
- Éabha. Origin: Irish; Meaning: life
- Ella. Origin: Hebrew; Meaning: fairy-maiden, goddess
Pics: Getty
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