Is electrolysis safe in pregnancy?
Alternating current or direct current electrolysis - is either type safe during pregnancy?

In a nutshell
There's not enough evidence to be absolutely certain, so it's probably best to avoid electrolysis - although one type of electrolysis is safer than the other.
The expert view
"It is not clear if electrolysis can cause any harm to your baby, and so it is advisable to avoid it when pregnant," says beauty consultant Louise Boothe.
There are two types of electrolysis. The ‘Blend’ or ‘Galvanic’ methods of electrolysis are definitely off limits when you're pregnant. These methods use direct (DC) electrical current.
The British Institute and Association of Electrolysis claims that the alternative approach, called thermolysis (or shortwave, diathermy or high-radio frequency), is safer. It uses alternating current (AC) which produces a very weak intensity of current during the procedure.
The Institute does advise that treatment of the breast and abdominal areas should be avoided, especially in the later stages of pregnancy – this is due to the fact that the skin in these areas is stretched. It may also be very sensitive and so electrolysis may be very painful.
Always talk to your electrolysis practitioner if you would like further info or more clarity.
Or, why not try other methods of hair removal - like hair removal creams, or waxing?
Mums writing in our MadeForMums community say
"I have been having electrolysis whilst pregnant and it's fine as long as the current doesn't go through your body and that it isn't on your stomach," says Patricia.
Meanwhile, the extra hair growth during pregnancy helped Samantha decide on electrolysis post-birth: "After baby's born I am having electrolysis. I have decided!"
Magda Ibrahim is a freelance writer who has written for publications including The Times and Sunday Times, The Sun, Time Out, and the London Evening Standard, as well for MadeForMums.