203 Mexican baby names – with specific origins and meanings
Searching for Mexican baby name ideas for your baby? We’ve got some top suggestions here for boys and girls – each with their own meaning and including popular Mexican names, unusual Mexican names, cute Mexican names and indigenous Mexican names

Mexican baby names for boys and girls span a huge variety of sounds and meanings, from internationally popular names with a distinctive Spanish lilt to unusual names inspired by Aztec deities – which makes them a real treasure trove for anyone hunting for an interesting name for their baby.
The impressive choice is partly thanks to the 69 different languages that are spoken in Mexico, 68 of which are indigenous languages that include Náhuatl, Mixteco and Otomí.
To help you find the right baby name for your little girl or boy, we’ve curated a list of the best Mexican baby boy and baby girl names – grouped into themes and each listed with their cultural origin and their meaning.
We’ve included Mexican boy and girl names that are popular here in the UK, as well as rare Mexican names, cute Mexican names, indigenous Mexican names, and strong, warrior Mexican names.
Here's our list of the best Mexican girl and boy names to inspire you...
Popular Mexican baby boy names in the UK | Popular Mexican baby girl names in the UK | Rare and unusual Mexican baby boy names | Rare and unusual Mexican baby girl names | Cute Mexican baby boy names | Cute Mexican baby girl names | Indigenous Mexican baby boy names | Indigenous Mexican baby girl names | Soulful Mexican baby boy names | Soulful Mexican baby girl names | Strong, warrior baby boy names | Strong, warrior baby girl names
Most popular Mexican boy names
Unsurprisingly, Mexican boy names that are popular here in the UK tend to be those that have a Spanish origin. Like Spanish boy names, no Mexican boy names feature in the top 100 lists of the most popular baby names in the UK, as drawn up by the Office for National Statistics (for England and Wales), the National Records of Scotland and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency But, bubbling just under the top 100, are these Mexican boy names, in order of popularity:
1. Mateo
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: divine gift
- Also: Teo
2. Leonardo
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: lion
3. Diego
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: supplanter
4. Santiago
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: St James (the patron saint of Spain)
5. Luis
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: famous warrior
6. Alejandro
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: defender, warrior
7. José
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: God will give; Spanish version of Joseph
Most popular Mexican girl names
Some of the most popular baby girl names in the UK have a Spanish-language origin and are also popular Mexican names. We've listed them all here – in the order they are ranked by the Office for National Statistics (for England and Wales), the National Records of Scotland and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
These popular girl names include classics such as Isabella, which has figured in UK baby name lists for some time, as well as more modern-sounding ones such as Sofia, which has only featured in the top 100 in the past few years.
8. Isabella
- Origin: Spanish/Italian
- Meaning: devoted to God
9. Sofia
- Origin: Spanish, derived from Greek
- Meaning: wisdom
10. Emilia
- Origin: Spanish, derived from Latin
- Meaning: rival
11. Maria
- Origin: Spanish/Latin
- Meaning: of the sea
12. Elena
- Origin: Spanish/Italian/Greek
- Meaning: shining light
- Also: Ellena, Alena
13. Ana
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: gracious
Rare and unusual Mexican boy names
These Mexican names are not only different and unusual, they carry unique and intriguing meanings. We particularly like Leocadio, which means lion-like, and Vitalicio, which means eternal.
14. Eulalio
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: sweetly speaking, well-spoken
15. Fidencio
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: faithful, trustworthy
16. Gonzalo
- Origin: Spanish/Germanic
- Meaning: battle, war
17. Heliodoro
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: gift of the sun, sun-gifted
18. Isidro
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: gift of the goddess Isis, gift of God
19. Jeremías
- Origin: Hebrew, used in Spanish
- Meaning: God will uplift, God is high
20. Jesús Armando
- Origin: Greek and Spanish/Italian
- Meaning: to save, salvation; soldier
21. Leocadio
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: lion-like, brave as a lion
22. Lucas
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: bright, shining
- Also: Luca, Lucca
23. Melchor
- Origin: Hebrew, used in Spanish
- Meaning: king, wise man
24. Nicanor
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: victor, conqueror
25. Ovidio
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: shepherd
26. Pablo Emilio
- Origin: Spanish and Spanish/Italian
- Meaning: small and eager
27. Plácido
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: calm, serene
28. Rómulo
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: after the founder of Rome
29. Severo
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: severe, strict
30. Teodosio
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: God's gift, gift of God
31. Urbano
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: from the city, urban
32. Vitalicio
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: eternal, everlasting
What you need to know about Mexican names
Before you choose a Mexican baby name, it might be helpful to understand a little more about how Mexican (and other Latin American and Spanish-language names) work.
In Mexico (and other Spanish-speaking countries), it’s common to see two-name first names, known as composite names. For example, a baby girl could be called Maria Rosa, or a boy could be Miguel Ángel. In these examples, Rosa and Ángel are part of the first name, not middle names.
It’s important to note that religion plays a huge role in Mexican culture and this extends to baby names. A Catholic country since the 1500s, Mexico has a significant number of parents who regularly choose names in tribute to saints or religious figures.
Rare and unusual Mexican girl names
These Mexican baby girl names have an uncommon charm – from Ainhoa, Ambar and Mia Yamileth to Azucena, Martina and Quetzaly, each one stands out for its originality. Choose one of these and your little girl will really stand out from the crowd.
33. Ainhoa
- Origin: Basque
- Meaning: after the place in Spain
34. Amada
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: beloved, adored
35. Amalia
- Origin: Germanic, used in Spanish
- Meaning: courage, brave, bold, diligent
36. Ámbar
- Origin: Arabic, used in Spanish
- Meaning: amber
37. Azucena
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: madonna lily
38. Celestina
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: heavenly, celestial
39. Dulcinea
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: sweet, sweetness
40. Euphemia
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: well-spoken, good speech
- Also: Eufemia
41. Felícitas
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: happiness, good fortune
42. Georgina
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: land-worker, farmer
43. Isaura
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: from Isauria (an ancient region in South Asia Minor)
44. Jovita
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: Jupiter's child, youthful, made happy
45. Martina
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: warlike, derived from Mars, the Roman god of war
46. Mia Yamileth
- Origin: Latin and Arabic, used in Spanish
- Meaning: mine and beautiful
47. Nereida
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: sea nymph, sea maiden
48. Odalys
- Origin: Germanic, used in Spanish
- Meaning: after the Catholic saint
49. Petronilla
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: yokel, stone; after the Catholic saint
- Also: Petra
50. Teresita
- Origin: Spanish, diminutive form of Teresa
- Meaning: harvester, reaper
51. Quetzaly
- Origin: Nahuatl
- Meaning: quetzal feather
Cute Mexican boy names
If you're looking for an adorably sweet name to match your baby boy, take a peek at this collection of sweet Mexican baby boy names. Many of them are shortened variations (diminutives) of longer Mexican boy names and they all have rich meanings, adding some lovely depth and interest to their all-0ver cuteness.
52. Ángel
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: who is like God, angel
53. Arturo
- Origin: Celtic, used in Spanish
- Meaning: bear; Spanish version of Arthur
54. Diego
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: supplanter, he who replaces
55. Eduardo
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: prosperous guardian; Spanish version of Edward
56. Emilio
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: rival, eager
57. Enrique
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: ruler of an estate; Spanish form of Henry
58. Esteban
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: crown, wreath; Spanish form of Stephen
59. Gael
- Origin: Breton, used in Spanish
- Meaning: blessed, generous, white, fair
60. Gerardo
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: rules by the spear; Spanish version of Gerard
61. Javier
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: bright, splendid
62. Jesús
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: to save, salvation, saviour
63. Juanito
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: God is gracious (diminutive of Juan)
64. Julio
- Origin: Spanish/Mexican
- Meaning: youthful
65. Luisito
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: famous warrior (diminutive of Luis)
66. Miguel
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: who is like God; Spanish version of Michael
67. Pablito
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: small, humble (diminutive of Pablo)
68. Pancho
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: free; after the military leader
69. Ramón
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: advice, protector, wise protector
70. Ricardito
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: strong ruler (diminutive of Ricardo)
71. Rico
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: brave ruler or home ruler (diminutive of Ricardo or Enricio)
72. Santi
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: Saint James (diminutive of Santiago)
73. Tito
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: honourable (diminutive of Titus)
Cute Mexican girl names
These sweet Mexican baby girl names also have beautiful meanings. Most of them end with an ‘a’ sound, giving the name an uplifting and joyful sound that only adds to its cuteness.
74. Adelita
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: noble, kind
75. Camila
- Origin: Spanish/Latin
- Meaning: young ceremonial attendant
- Also: Camilla
76. Carmelita
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: vineyard, garden
77. Chiquita
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: tiny, little one
78. Dominga
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: born on Sunday
79. Elisa
- Origin: Greek via Hebrew, used in Spanish
- Meaning: devoted to God (diminutive of Elisabeth)
80. Esperanza
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: hope, expectation
81. Eulalia
- Origin: Spanish, derived from Greek
- Meaning: well-spoken, sweetly speaking
82. Fabiola
- Origin: Spanish, derived from Latin
- Meaning: bean grower, fava bean
83. Genoveva
- Origin: Spanish, derived from Germanic elements
- Meaning: race of women, woman of the race
84. Guadalupe
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: named for the Virgin Mary
85. Hortensia
- Origin: Spanish, derived from Latin
- Meaning: gardener, of the garden
86. Inés
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: chaste; Spanish form of Agnes
87. Jacinta
- Origin: Spanish/Mexican
- Meaning: hyacinth, beautiful
- Also: Jacinda, Jac
88. Juana
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: gracious, God’s gift; Spanish form of Joanna
89. Lucía
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: light, brightness
90. Mariposa
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: butterfly
91. Melania
- Origin: Spanish, derived from Latin
- Meaning: black, dark
92. Paloma
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: dove, pigeon
93. Regina
- Origin: Spanish/Latin
- Meaning: queen
94. Renata
- Origin: Spanish/Italian
- Meaning: reborn
95. Rosa
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: rose
96. Rosita
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: little rose
97. Soledad
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: solitude, loneliness
98. Valentina
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: strong, healthy
99. Valeria
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: strong, vigorous, brave
100. Verónica
- Origin: Latin
- Meaning: true image; from the Latin name Berenice
101. Ximena
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: listener, hearing
The 20 most popular baby boy names in Mexico
Here are the 20 most popular baby boy names in Mexico, according to the Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI). The most recent list (for 2021) is topped by Santiago, with almost 10,000 boys registered with this name.- Santiago. Origin: Spanish; Meaning: Saint James, the patron saint of Spain
- Mateo. Origin: Spanish; Meaning: gift of God
- Sebastián. Origin: Greek, used in Spanish; Meaning: person from the ancient city of Sebastia
- Leonardo. Origin: Germanic, used in Spanish; Meaning: brave lion, bold as a lion
- Matías. Origin: Spanish, derived from Hebrew; Meaning: gift of God, variation of Matthew
- Emiliano. Origin: Spanish, derived from Latin; Meaning: eager, striving, working to excel
- Daniel. Origin: Hebrew; Meaning: God is my judge
- Gael. Origin: Breton, used in Spanish; Meaning: blessed, generous, white, fair
- Miguel Ángel. Origin: Spanish and Hispanic; Meaning: who is like God, Spanish version of Michael and angel
- Diego. Origin: Spanish; Meaning: supplanter
- Alexander. Origin: Greek; Meaning: defender of mankind
- Alejandro. Origin: Spanish; Meaning: defender, warrior
- Jesús. Origin: Hebrew via Greek, used in Spanish; Meaning: God rescues, to save, salvation, saviour
- Angel. Origin: Hispanic; Meaning: angel
- David. Origin: Hebrew; Meaning: beloved
- Tadeo. Origin: Syriac-Aramaic, used in Spanish; Meaning: courageous heart, heart, friend
- Fernando. Origin: Spanish; Meaning: daring, adventurous, bold
- Luis Ángel. Origin: Spanish and Hispanic; Meaning: famous warrior and angel
- Rodrigo. Origin: Spanish; Meaning: famous ruler
- José Ángel. Origin: Spanish and Hispanic; Meaning: God will give, Spanish version of Joseph and angel
Indigenous Mexican boy names
There are 62 native communities in Mexico, each with its own collection of names that are rich in cultural significance and carry a deep connection to each separate indigenous people. Most have wonderfully striking meanings, often related to nature and more than a few featuring snakes (a powerful Aztec symbol of fierceness and agility).
102. Acalan
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: a Tenochtitlan narrow rowing boat
103. Ácatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: giant reed
104. Ahuatzi
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: small oak tree
105. Camaxtli
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: after the Aztec god of the hunt
- Also: Cam, Max
106. Centeōtl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: after the maize deity
107. Coatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: serpent
108. Cuauhtémoc
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: descending eagle
109. Huitzilihuitl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: hummingbird feather
110. Ichtaca
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: secret, hidden
111. Itzcóatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: obsidian serpent, serpent of the obsidian blade
112. Matlal
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: green, blue
113. Mixcoatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: cloud serpent
114. Nahuatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: clear sound, pleasant sound
115. Tecuani
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: warrior, brave man
116. Teoxihuitl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: turquoise lord
117. Tepeyollotl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: mountain heart, heart of the mountain
118. Tezcacoatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: divine serpent
119. Tlaloc
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: after the Aztec god of rain and fertility
120. Tlatoani
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: speaker, ruler
121. Xipil
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: noble
122. Xiuhcoatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: fire serpent
123. Xóchitl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: flower
124. Zolin
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: to flourish, to bloom
Indigenous Mexican girl names
These deeply culturally significant Mexican baby girl names are inspired by nature, mythology or traditional beliefs. Many of them are long and multiple-syllabic and have a wonderful cadence as they are spoken out loud.
125. Acuecucyoticihuati
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: after Aztec goddess of the ocean and sea-life
126. Ahuic
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: after Aztec goddess of rivers and streams
127. Amoxtli
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: book, codex
128. Anam
- Origin: Mayan Huasteco
- Meaning: earth
129. Apozanolotl
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: after the goddess of purity
130. Atlacamani
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: after the goddess of storms
131. Atlacoya
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: after the goddess of droughts
132. Atzi
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: rain
133. Ayauhteotl
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: after the goddess of mist and haze
134. Bimorí
- Origin: Tarahumara/Rarámuri community from the Mexican state of Chihuahua
- Meaning: fog
135. Cetzalí
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: little star, little light
136. Cipactli
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: crocodile, monster
137. Citlali
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: star
138. Itzel
- Origin: Mayan
- Meaning: rainbow lady, dew from heaven
139. Ixchel
- Origin: Mayan
- Meaning: rainbow lady, after the goddess of the moon and fertility
140. Iztaccihuatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: white lady (referring to the dormant volcano in Mexico)
141. Jatziri
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: dewdrop
142. Malinalli
- Origin: Nahua
- Meaning: small plant
143. Mayahuel
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: after the goddess of fertility and childbearing
144. Nayeli
- Origin: Zapotec
- Meaning: I love you, I miss you
145. Sesasi
- Origin: Purépecha
- Meaning: pretty
146. Siuapilli
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: princess
147. Sugey
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: sunlight
148. Tayanna
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: gift from God
149. Teicuih
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: younger sister
150. Ticualtzin
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: you are beautiful
- Also: Ticualnēzqui, Tiquetzaltic
The 20 most popular baby girl names in Mexico
Here are the 20 most popular baby names for girls in Mexico, according to the official list from the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI). Sofía has topped the list for some time as the most popular girl name, with some 6,552 girls registered with that name across the nation.- Sofía. Origin: Spanish/Greek; Meaning: wisdom
- María José. Origin: Spanish/Latin; Meaning: of the sea and God will give
- Valentina. Origin: Latin; Meaning: strength, health
- Regina. Origin: Spanish/Latin; Meaning: queen
- Camila. Origin: Spanish/Latin; Meaning: young ceremonial attendant
- Valeria. Origin: Latin; Meaning: strength, health
- Ximena. Origin: Basque; Meaning: one who hears
- María Fernanda. Origin: Spanish/Latin; Meaning: bold adventurer of the sea
- Victoria. Origin: Spanish/Latin; Meaning: conqueror, victory
- Renata. Origin: Spanish/Italian; Meaning: reborn
- Romina. Origin: Arabic, used in Spanish; Meaning: from the land of the Christians
- Isabella. Origin: Spanish/Italian; Meaning: devoted to God
- Natalia. Origin: Spanish/Latin; Meaning: born on Christmas Day
- Daniela. Origin: Hebrew; Meaning: God is my judge
- Ana Sofia. Origin: Spanish and Spanish/Greek; Meaning: gracious and wisdom
- Alexa. Origin: Greek; Meaning: defender of men
- Fernanda. Origin: Spanish/Latin; Meaning: bold adventurer of the sea
- Maria Guadalupe. Origin: Spanish/Latin; Meaning: of the sea
- Samantha. Origin: Hebrew; Meaning: strong, told by God
- Andrea. Origin: Greek, used in Spanish; Meaning: womanly, courageous
151. Tlalli
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: Earth
152. Tlazohtzin
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: little necklace of flowers, one who is loved
153. Tonalnan
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: mother of light
154. Tonantzin
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: honoured mother; a title for the Aztec mother goddess
155. Tzitzicatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: luminous, radiant
156. Xihuitl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: year, season
157. Xitlali
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: after the Aztec goddess of the moon
158. Xóchitl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: flower
159. Yatzil
- Origin: Mayan
- Meaning: loved one
160. Yoloxochitl
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: flower of the heart
161. Zeltzin
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: delicate
162. Zaniyah
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: forever, always
- Also: Zyana, Zaniya, Zan
Soulful Mexican boy names
Many Mexican baby boy names – both contemporary and indigenous – have the most fabulously soulful meanings. These names are either directly derived from the word 'soul' or have meanings related to it. The majority are indigenous names, but several have Spanish origins.
163. Almas
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: souls
164. Almazán
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: man of the soul
165. Espiridión
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: soul, spirit
166. Hesiquio
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec), used in Spanish
- Meaning: life of the soul
167. Imox
- Origin: Mayan, used in some regions of Mexico
- Meaning: soul, spirit
168. Inti
- Origin: Quechua (indigenous language of South America), used in some regions of Mexico
- Meaning: soul
169. Solete
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: little soul
Soulful Mexican girl names
If you're looking for something with an ethereal quality for your baby girl’s name, cast a dreamy eye over these beautiful Mexican baby girl names. They names reflect the concept of the soul and are either directly derived from the word or carry meanings related to it.
170. Alma
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: soul
171. Almita
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: little soul (diminutive of Alma)
172. Espiridiona
- Origin: Greek, used in Spanish
- Meaning: soul, spirit
173. Hesiquia
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec), used in Spanish
- Meaning: life of the soul
174. Imoxa
- Origin: Mayan, used in some regions of Mexico
- Meaning: soul, spirit
175. Intia
- Origin: Quechua (indigenous language of South America used in some regions of Mexico)
- Meaning: soul
Strong, warrior boy names
A mighty Mexican moniker may be just the thing for your baby boy. These names draw inspiration from the rich cultural heritage of Mexico, particularly from Aztec mythology and history, and are associated with strength, courage, and warrior ethos.
176. Alejandro
- Origin: Spanish/ Greek
- Meaning: defender of mankind
177. Armando
- Origin: Spanish/Italian
- Meaning: soldier
178. Carlos
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: strong, manly; Spanish form of Charles
179. César
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: the destroyer; a shock of hair
180. Chicahua
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: strong
181. Chimalli
- Origin: Aztec
- Meaning: shield
- Also: Chimalley
182. Cuauhtémoc
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: descending eagle, setting sun; after the last Aztec emperor
183. Cuauhtli
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: eagle; bravery and strength
184. Fernando
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: daring, adventurous, bold
185. Guillermo
- Origin: Spanish/Mexican
- Meaning: resolute protector or gilded helmet
- Also: Guille, Memo, Gillermo
186. Huitzilopochtli
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: hummingbird of the south; after the Aztec god of war, sun and human sacrifice
187. Matlal
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: green, blue; warrior, noble
188. Ollin
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: motion; warfare, transformation
189. Tadeo
- Origin: Syriac-Aramaic, used in Spanish
- Meaning: courageous heart, friend
190. Tecuani
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: warrior, brave man
191. Tezcacoatl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: divine serpent
192. Vicente
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: conquering, victorious
193. Victor
- Origin: Spanish
- Meaning: conqueror, victor
194. Xólotl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: after the god of fire and lightning
195. Yaotl
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: warrior
Strong, warrior girl names
These names draw inspiration from both Aztec culture and more recent times, showcasing the strength exhibited by women throughout Mexican history, whether through leadership, resilience, or acts of bravery.
196. Hermelinda
- Origin: Germanic, used in Spanish
- Meaning: strength in battle, warrior maiden
197. Izel
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: unique, only one; individuality, strength
198. Leocadia
- Origin: Spanish, derived from Greek
- Meaning: lion-like, brave as a lion
199. Malinalli
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: grass, nettle; after a famous indigenous woman
200. Marcelina
- Origin: Latin, used in Spanish
- Meaning: of Mars, warlike
201. Victoria
- Origin: Spanish/Latin
- Meaning: conqueror, victory
- Also: Vicky
202. Xipil
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: noble
203. Yolotli
- Origin: Nahuatl (Aztec)
- Meaning: heart, life
Pic: Getty
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Gabrielle Nathan has been a journalist for 20 years, writing lifestyle features for publications including Red, Women’s Health, Wildflower and Condé Nast Traveller. She has been writing about parenting since 2012, the year she became a mum.