Most of us take away a few copies of our 12-week scan, but more and more mums are opting to go for much later 3D and 4D scans too (3D is a still image, 4D is a moving image in real time which you can receive as a video file).


You can pay anything from £70 to £225 for the scans (which are usually offered between 21 and 32 weeks). Depending on the package, you'll get a longer video if you pay more for example, and a bigger set of still images. Some also offer a teddy bear with a sound recording of your baby's heartbeat inside.

We are asked our mums if they'd be tempted to get them done - and had loads of responses - mainly from those who had gone for them.

So - did they reckon they were worth doing?

"Both times was such a lovely experience," says Lauren S. "Obviously hospital scans are only for medical reasons, but these private ones are special: you get so much time to look and having a DVD and multiple pictures is such a lovely bonus."


"We found out one of our twins had water on the brain through a 4D scan" Tegan B told us. "Even though we had a scan at hospital 2 days before - they hadn't picked it up."

"I really wasn't into them at all as I thought you could see too much and I wanted to be surprised when baby arrived," says Jessica B.

"However, as my bump grew I began to want to see baby more so paid for one and loved it!!

"I even got his heartbeat recorded into a teddy bear!! Although we didn't know he was a 'he' at the time."

In fact, we have to say most of our mums loved their 3D and 4D scans - though a few of you weren't so sure.

"I don't like the pictures at all - I think they look like they are melting, and to be honest I wanted to see their faces properly for the first time when they were in my arms," Lucy M revealed.

And Donna O says simply: "I always think they look freaky."

What do you think?

Did you / would you get a 3D and / or 4D scan? Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook

Images: Baby Moments

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
