
The extra oestrogen coursing round your body is likely to have its effects on your looks by the time you’ve entered your fourth month. Oestrogen helps make skin more supple and smooth, which is where your ‘pregnancy glow’ comes from. Hopefully your skin is looking its best ever!


Unfortunately, it’s also possible that the increased hormones have helped make you more sensitive than before, so your skin could become dry and itchy, greasy and spotty – or horror of horrors, a combination of both! Whichever, you’ll need to reassess your skincare regime and adapt it to suit any changes.

Try these products…

1) Flamingo Fancy, made by Benefit, from £32.99, from eBay

Fake your pregnancy glow with an iridescent finish. This lotion can be used to add colour and shimmer to your face or body.

2) Beauty Flash Balm, made by Clarins, £24.75, from John Lewis

If your skin’s wilting rather than blooming, this promises to transform your complexion. Use under make-up for best results.

3) Face Lift, made by Barbara Daly Make-Up for Tesco, £7.00 from Tesco

You won’t need a thick foundation if you’re looking radiant! Try this lightest of bases that allows your natural glow to show through, with SPF to protect against skin ageing.

4) Lavender Pure Essential Oil, made by Holland & Barrett, £7.99, from Holland & Barrett

Lavender’s a natural antiseptic, so dab it on to treat spots. It also helps to reduce redness, making those pimples less obvious!

5) Vitamin E and Avocado Night Cream, made by Neals Yard Remedies, £19.90, from Biggreensmile.com

Try this nourishing night cream during the day too, for dry and sensitive skin, Its natural ingredients will soothe and moisturise.

Hair and Body

As that bump will now be starting to show, it’s high time you were slathering on the stretch mark preventatives. Suzanne Newman, training manager for the Champneys Group, says: “Look for the most moisturising product you can find – cocoa or shea butter and sweet almond oil are good bases. Apply it morning and night to your thighs, hips, stomach and bust – and don’t forget your lower back, as this is where your skin is stretching from as your bump develops.”

Jo Glanville-Blackburn, author of Blooming Gorgeous, says that genetics also have a part to play in whether or not you’re likely to suffer stretch marks: “If your mother had them, the chances are that you will too – but keeping your skin supple and soft may help to minimise their occurrence.”

Try these products…

1) Mum-to-be Body Cream, made by The Sanctuary, £10.25, from The Sanctuary

A delicious smelling body lotion to keep your bump soft and prevent stretching skin becoming dry.

2) Stretch Mark Eraser, made by Rodial, £78.00, from Lookfantastic.com

It’s never too early to start busting those stretch marks! In fact, many experts recommend adding an anti-stretch mark cream product to your beauty regime as soon as you find out you’re pregnant.

3) Boob Tube, made by Mama Mio, £19.50, from Debenhams

Make the most of your blooming assets with this moisturising and firming lotion. You’ll certainly be tempted to put them on display!

4) Natural French Manicure Kit, from Barielle, £16.47, from Amazon

Many women find that their nails get much stronger during pregnancy, so make the most of your talons with an elegant manicure.

5) Baby Oil, made by Johnson’s, £2.85, from Boots

Add a little oil to your bath or sweep over damp skin after a shower for one of the most effective moisturisers around. It’ll also come in handy after the baby arrives!

6) St Ives Firming Body Lotion, £4.99, from Tesco


Regular, gentle exercise will help to keep your growing body nicely toned. Or try a firming lotion, for the cheat’s way to a sexy bod!
