
In a nutshell

An eco-friendly jogging buggy, that's competitive on price, but not the best buggy for a newborn

What we tested

  • Fold/unfolding
    A star rating of 3.5 out of 5.
  • Manoeuvrability
    A star rating of 4.0 out of 5.
  • Comfort for child
    A star rating of 4.5 out of 5.
  • Style
    A star rating of 4.0 out of 5.
  • Durability
    A star rating of 4.5 out of 5.
  • Worth the money
    A star rating of 3.5 out of 5.
Overall Rating
A star rating of 4.0 out of 5.


  • Feels very light, comfy, easy to push, adjustable handle.


  • Feels quite big, can tip a little on tight turns.

The Speed is the first designated running stroller from US family-run firm Bumbleride.

Operating in the UK for about 4 years, Bumbleride was set up by San Diego pair Matt and Emily Reichadt, on the birth of their first child Ella in 2004.

Made in a family-run factory in Taiwan, Bumbleride's buggies are 'Designed for adventure', and that's where the Speed comes in.

With all-wheel suspension, air-filled tyres, a lightweight frame and 'Speed3 steering', this buggy is purpose-built for those with an active lifestyle.

Priced at £499, it's pitched against high-end joggers and is only slightly (0.3kg) heavier than the 10.5kg Thule Urban Glide, which is priced at £425. The Bumbleride Speed 3 is lighter as well as cheaper than iCandy's 13.9kg Peach All Terrain Jogger, which retails at £640. And it's also lighter and cheaper than Mountain Buggy's New Terrain (12.9kg; £500).

It's not released in the UK until late summer, but MadeForMums has been given an early test-ride.

The Bumbleride Speed 3 is a jogging buggy, but how does it work when off-road?

First and foremost it’s a great jogging buggy, really light to push, but sturdy and spacious. It works as well as other joggers I've tried including the Mountain Buggy Terrain and Thule Urban Glide pushchairs.

And as an all-terrain buggy it’s great! It glides over extreme gravel, and handles mud and grass with ease. It's very easy to push.

It did tip a little when taking sharp corners quickly, and this is something I've noticed in other joggers - something I guess is to do with the big wheels.

Is it adaptable to an inner city environment or public transport?

Yes and no. The pavements and alleyways round my way offer more challenging terrain than going off-road and the Speed handles the broken up pavement, and erupted Tarmac fault-lines easily.

It really just glides over them. And that's exactly how it feels when you push it along more normal pavement and smooth surfaces. It really does feel like it floats in front of you.

Saying that, due to its big wheels and wheel base it's quite chunky and long, so it doesn’t do well in shopping aisles.

Tell us more about the wheels

They're air-filled, so may need some maintenance, but robust. Bumbleride has also built in the 'Speed 3' steering system - giving you three control options for your front wheel.

It has locked mode for running and full 360-degree swivel for every day out-and-about life, just like other joggers.

But uniquely, the Speed also has the 30-degree swivel for jogging or all-terrain. This allows that extra bit of movement you need when locked mode is too rigid.

At 16", they do make the buggy seat high off the ground, so the handle seems high, but it can be adjusted down. Also, it's nice to have your little one closer to your height.

What is the brake like?

It has one long pedal in the middle of the foot brake bar, which is easy to put on and off.

Here are more all-terrain pushchairs to compare...

How does it fold?

You have to use both hands as the folding mechanism involves pulling up two plastic tubes - one on each side if the frame.

Once you give them a pull it folds very easily and neatly. It also has a handle so you can carry it folded.

How compact is it when folded?

It's fairly compact, especially when you take the wheels off. The back wheels are the easiest to remove, with the pull of some little catches at the back. The front wheel needs to be unscrewed.

It stands when folded, although I couldn't get it to stand quite as upright as they featured in the promo pictures. Mine had more of a lazy slouch to it.

But with the wheels popped off, it folds quite flat.

Does it fit in the boot of your car?

Yep. It even fits with the wheels on. However, I’d recommend taking at least the back ones off to get a better space-saving option.

How easy is it to use the Bumbleride Speed 3?

The handle can be easily adjusted to various heights with the push of a button at either side. It's quite high, because of the 16" wheels, but it's to easy to angle down to whatever suits you.

The seat is also easy to recline, by releasing a toggle and sliding it down two straps (just like a rucksack handle) with one hand. The seat goes completely flat too, if your young traveller needs a sleep.

You need two hands to push the seat upright again, as you need to pull on a strap and push up the toggle. It's easy to do, but I prefer seats that just click into place once elevated.

It's got a great over-sized hood, with SPF 45+, which is good for those runs on a (rare) sunny day.

Bumbleride also have some Eco boasting credentials. Their fabrics feature a 100% recycled polyester (made from water bottles in Taiwan), use a dyeing process that conserves water and also reduces pollution created in the process.

Does the buggy feel comfortable for children?

Yes, I think so. It's got nice, paddy material, which my little one said was very comfy.

The seat's quite high, which makes you closer to your little one than you would be in an average pram.

This is a good thing, as I'm forever saying 'I can't hear you' when my young ones are trying to talk to me from the pram.

There's also a peekaboo window, to use when the hood's down. It's got a toggle to open and lock it, which is much better than noisy Velcro when your bubba is having a sleep.

Is it suitable for newborns?

Technically it is. The Speed can be used with a bassinet or infant car seat and has a lie-flat mode.

But we don't recommend you go jogging with your baby until they are around 9 months old and able to support their heads.

And then there's the fact that the seat can only face away from parents, which you might not want with a small newborn baby.

What are the basket and storage pockets like?

There are lots of pockets, including one on the hood - very handy when you're out running - and you need to stuff your phone somewhere.

It also has a bottle holder too (even handier!). The storage basket is quite big, and quite wide open at the back.

This is quite good if you need to chuck something in quickly, or wedge in something big (when you're on a Click an Collect trip!), but on a jog I fear that things may come bouncing out.

Other joggers I've tried have a cover sheet or net that can be zipped over the top to stop that happening.

Is it travel system compatible?

Yes, it can be used with the BeSafe, Cybex and Maxi-Cosi Cabrio and Pebble car seats. But it’s better to wait until your babies over 9 months before going jogging with them in a buggy.

What do you think of its design?

My partner immediately said how much she liked it as soon as she saw it, and she's the all-seeing design oracle (she likes Alexa Chung).

It certainly looks expensive, with its minimalist use of black and grey.

Is the product value for money?

Priced at £499, it's roughly the same as higher-end joggers, so it comes in about average when thinking of value as a parent.

It's worth noting that Mountain Buggy's New Terrain, which costs £500, comes with two sets of wheels - 16 and 12 inch ones - so you can change according to your needs.

The Bumbleride does come with a 3-year warranty, which is a good bonus.

What's in the box?

The Bumbleride Speed, rain cover, tire pump and a bell!

Do you have to buy a lot of additional extras?

Extras are available but you don't have to buy them as all the essentials - rain cover and tyre pump - are included.

But the optional extras are:

  • Car seat adaptors £25
  • Parent pack (a small pouch) £19.99
  • Snack pack £29.99
  • Travel bag £69

MadeForMums verdict:

The Speed holds it's own against other joggers in the same price bracket, although I think some other brands pip it to the post with additional features.

It is, however, a light but sturdy, and easy to push pram - all essential for a good jogger buggy. It's a decent contender for top spot in the jogger line-up.


We've got more jogging buggies right here...

Product Specifications

ModelSpeed Jogging Buggy
Suitable for
Age fromBirth
Age to3 years
Age noteSuitable from birth, but not recommended when jogging
Weight up to15kg
Dimensions & Weight
Height (extended)117cm
Height (folded)26.6cm
Width (folded)48cm
Length (folded)83cm
Travel system compatibleYes
Seat facing directionForward facing
Tyre typeAir-filled tires (pump included)
Wheel size (front)12in
Wheel size (back)16in
Recline positionsMulti-position
Lie flatYes
  • Adjustable bumper bar adjustable handle upf/spf 45+ sun canopy with pop out extension 5 point breakaway harness with shoulder pads eco fabric made from 100% recycled plastic (rpet) and innovative dye process
  • Oekotex and bluesign certified wrist strap new bumbleride bell
Accessories includedRain cover, tire pump and bell