Buyer's guide to 3-wheeler buggies
There are plenty of reasons why you might be interested in a 3-wheeler buggy. Our guide will help you find your perfect match.

What is a 3-wheeler buggy?
A 3-wheeler buggy that has a triangular-shaped chassis (frame) with a single wheel at the front and two wheels at the back. The front wheel is free to swivel or can be locked, so that the buggy goes in a straight line.
The USP of 3-wheelers is that they are very easy to steer and manoeuvre. The single wheel at the front allows you to turn on a six-pence, which makes them great around the shops and off-road.
When choosing 3-wheeler you need to consider how you are going to use it and if you need a forward facing or parent-facing buggy. All-terrain pushchairs (ATPs) are designed to handle rough terrain and urban environments alike. You may want a 3-wheeler as part of a travel system. Or, if you spend most of your time around town, look out for urban 3-wheelers (think chic, slick and in vogue).

Will you be going off-road?
All-terrain pushchairs (ATPs) are designed to allow you and your baby to venture beyond the pavement and into the great outdoors, over all types of terrain. But that’s not to say that they can’t be used as everyday buggies.
Good suspension and pneumatic tyres make for a smooth ride when travelling over rough ground, so look out for these as a standard. A padded handle (for your comfort), a strong brake (that will halt the buggy on a slope) and a robust chassis are all marks of a good ATP. A bumper bar will give your toddler something to lean forward against. Look for one that unclips and swings out across the buggy, so you don’t have to lift your child over it to get them in or out.

Do you want to exercise with it?
Few everyday buggies are suitable for jogging and most have a disclaimer in the warranty that warns against running with them. Dedicated jogger buggies have large wheels (around 10 inches) and sophisticated suspension, to absorb the shocks and bounces that come with covering ground at speed.
Jogger buggies available in the UK include the Baby Jogger Performance, Out N About Nipper Sport, Schwinn Free Runner LT and the soon-to-be released Phil and Teds Sub4.
Jogger buggies are not suitable for babies under 6 months because they do not offer enough support for your baby's head and neck.

Do you want to use it in town?
Taking some 3-wheelers around the shops can be a headache - many have a wide wheelbase and are bulky when folded. They can also be heavy, weighing up to 11kg. However, the new trend for ‘urban’ 3-wheelers has resulted in a range of slimline models with smaller wheels. The lightest of these weighs less than 7kg.
If you have restricted storage space, or a small car boot, check the exact height, length and depth dimensions before you buy your 3-wheeler. You can usually find these details on the manufacturer’s website or on MFM reviews, in the "Specs" page.

Where do you start?
So, you know that you want a 3-wheeler but still can’t narrow down your wish list? Check out our in-depth reviews of 3-wheelers and ATPs. Plus, we’ve rounded-up 10 of the best 3-wheelers to help you find your perfect match.