What is a double buggy?

A double buggy enables you to transport two children at the same time. You’ll find two different types of double buggy out there – twin, where your children are side-by-side, and tandem, where one baby sits in front of, or above, the other.


Do you need it for twins or for a baby and toddler?

If you have twins you’ll need to find a buggy that has two seats suitable from birth. There are travel systems for twins but they can be hard to find, as plenty of double buggies only allow one car seat to be attached. However, there are options that take two car seats at the same time.

If you’re buying for a baby and toddler then look for seats that can be reclined independently of each other, so you toddler can look at the world while your baby sleeps. It’s also worth looking out for buggies that can go back to being a single buggy by removing the second seat, such as Phil and Teds and iCandy.


What double buggy style do you want?

The two main styles of double buggy are the twin (side-by-side) and tandem (one in front of the other).

Twin buggies are the wider option, and mean there’s no arguments over who sits front or back! Both children get the same view. They are often lighter and easier to steer but their width can make narrow doorways tricky.

Tandem buggies tend to be a little longer, as they have one seat behind the other, with the back one usually featuring a fully flat recline suitable for newborns. The front, more upright seat is for your toddler. They may not be ideal for twins but are easier to get through doorways or round the supermarket. There are now tandems that manage to carry two children in little more space than a standard single buggy – all Phil and Teds 3-wheeler inline tandems and iCandy’s Peach and Pear buggies boast this, and Britax has recently adopted this style for in its B-Dual buggy.

You can also choose between the standard 4-wheeler, which offers stability, or sporty 3-wheelers, designed for swifter steering.

If you're not sure whether to opt for a twin or tandem, we've sussed out the pros and cons of each for you.


Where will you be using your double buggy?

The best buggy for you will depend on your lifestyle.

If you’ll spend most of your days zooming round shops then a tandem buggy that means less time crashing into doorways will be a good choice.

If you live on the fifth floor then a lightweight twin might be a better choice.

Country girl? Then look for off-road buggies and sturdy wheels.

Track down features such as adjustable handles if you and your partner are different heights and will be sharing the pushing. And whether you are jumping on and off the bus or frequently lugging your buggy in and out the car, make sure you check how easy it is to fold and its weight.


How compact do you need your double buggy to be?

Imagine getting your lovely new double buggy home only to find out it won’t fit through your doorway. Or you take it out for the first time and discover it won’t fold down enough to fit in your car boot. Your buggy needs to work for you both when unfolded and folded. You’ll need to store your buggy, not just at home but in your car, maybe at nursery, or even on the bus.

Unfolded tandem buggies are much narrower than twin buggies, which is great if you have a narrow front door or you spend lots of time in crowded shops with narrow walkways. If you read through our double buggy reviews on MFM you’ll find unfolded (and folded) dimensions.


Where do you start?

There’s a lot to consider when buying a double buggy and we have plenty of info to get you started. We’ve reviewed twin and tandem double buggies currently on the market and to make your decision a little easier we’ve rounded-up the top-performers:
