Out 'n' About GT Double pushchair review

In a nutshell
Blending key features of an all-terrain pram with those of a simple stroller, this light yet robust double pushchair is suitable from birth and boasts a smooth push, an easy fold and a large basket
What we tested
- Fold/unfolding
A star rating of 4.6 out of 5. - Manoeuvrability
A star rating of 4.5 out of 5. - Comfort for child
A star rating of 4.0 out of 5. - Style
A star rating of 3.8 out of 5. - Durability
A star rating of 4.2 out of 5. - Worth the money
A star rating of 4.0 out of 5.
- Lightweight, narrow, robust, easy to fold, large basket
- Carrycots tricky to fit, raincover lacks peekaboo window, not freestanding when folded, basket obscured by chassis bar
Originally targeting parents seeking an active outdoor lifestyle with babies on board, Out’n’About found its niche by offering all-terrain pushchairs for jogging and off-road use. Fast forward and the leading brand is now popular with mainstream, urban parents looking for trusty products at affordable prices with top notch aftercare.
Famed for its Nipper strollers such as the 3-wheeled Nipper Double and Nipper Double Sport, the GT Double is the new kid on the block and our reviewer was excited to try it out for size – literally! It’s billed as a “lightweight and compact double pushchair with an effortless push” and doesn’t disappoint. It comes in at just 12.5kg and, at only 71cm wide, will comfortably glide through a standard doorway – every twin parent’s dream! And with a maximum load of 22kg per seat, it lasts from birth until around age four.
Remaining true to its purse-friendly ethos, the Out’n’About GT Double won’t break the bank (it’s less than half the cost of some premium counterparts). But with that, don’t expect the Rolls Royce of pushchairs – nor an old banger! You’ll find top quality and functionality when it comes to the structural stuff (wheels, chassis, etc.), and a slightly more budget offering for the ‘soft furnishings’, like carrycots and seats.
You can find even more buggy suggestions in our roundup of the best all-terrain pushchairs, and the best double pushchairs.
Tested by:
Writer Claire tested the Out’n’About GT Double with her newborn twins, Pippa and Max, in northeast Scotland, using it around the uneven Aberdeen pavements, in grassy parks and on woodland walks. They mainly used it with the carrycots but borrowed Claire’s 4-year-old son, Oscar, to give the seat unit a trial run too.

What were your first impressions of the buggy?
After finding out I was having twins, panic hit. The trusty pram I’d loved for my now-four-year-old son and saved for a future baby was now redundant. We were back to square one… Who knew where to start for transporting double trouble?!
After shortlisting on some basic criteria (I have dodgy ribs and my chiropractor recommended a side-by-side model as opposed to up and down, and with the unpredictable Aberdeen pavements strong wheels were a must), I came upon the Out’n’About GT Double.
I loved that it was light and compact yet robust and sturdy, and suitable from birth – a great all-rounder. With Oscar, we started off with a trusty heavyweight model but within a year needed something more portable. The Joie Mytrax saved the day with its blend of all-terrain-style features and top transportability, and I wished we’d had it from the beginning. Now, I was hoping the GT Double would eliminate any double research/double spend with the twins.
Billed as bringing a “new dynamic to side-by-side strolling” I was excited to try it out. As we unboxed, it was clear we weren’t in for a premium experience (the fabric was notably less luxurious than top of the range alternatives) but it looked like it’d do exactly what it said on the tin – bingo! And for the price tag, that was all we needed and expected.

How easy is it to build?
I’ll admit it – I ducked out of putting the pushchair together and sent my husband into the garage to do the honours. The feedback was that building the pram was a breeze – 10/10 for Out’n’About’s instructions.
Is the carrycot on the Out’n’About GT Double comfortable for newborn babies?
Yes – for the time being. At the time of writing my twins are eight weeks old (two weeks corrected) and they fit in nicely. But I wonder whether they’ll be a little too snug width-wise by four months or so. If you’re looking for a large, deep carrycot, this isn’t the one – but if a sleek, narrow buggy design is your priority then this could be the price you pay.
Although the mattress feels fairly basic, it’s ultra-breathable and our twins seem very happy sleeping in it for long daytime naps (I always cover my pram mattresses with a moses sheet and muslin for extra comfort and protection, too). It’s secured with a Velcro strap, which I’m failing to see much benefit of. It makes the mattress surface slightly uneven and, I think, creates a tiny slope, making the baby’s head sit slightly lower. Not good if you have a spewy toot.
The carrycot itself can be cleaned with a soft cloth and warm water whilst both the cosy quilted liner and mattress cover can be machine washed (cool wash at 30 degrees).

Does the carrycot have a hood?
Yes, there’s a large hood that goes up and down with buttons on the side. My only gripe is that you have to press the buttons and push/pull the hood, so having three hands would be useful here! Nevertheless, I was impressed by the strength of the hood and its versatility. With a number of options – fully up, fully down and some in between – it’s ideal for battling changeable rain, sun and wind.

How do you add and remove the Out’n’About GT Double carrycot from the chassis?
The carrycot is light to pick up and easy enough to add – apart from needing a bit of a ‘shove in’ at the end.
To add the carrycot:
- Put on the brake and pull the seat back into the fully reclined position
- Insert the adaptor into the round holes on either side of the buggy chassis, ensuring the four silver fittings for attaching the carrycot are sitting vertically not horizontally. If they’re sitting horizontally (facing back towards you instead of up to the sky), you’ve got the adaptor upside down so flip it over).
- Check it has clicked into place and is firmly secured on both sides
- Place the carrycot parent-facing into the buggy (this is the not-so-smooth part!)
- And it should click onto the adaptor on both sides.
You can then check it’s fitted properly by pulling it upwards from the carry handle – the cot will release if it’s not fitted correctly.
Ready to remove the carrycot? Just squeeze the buttons on either side of the cot simultaneously. Unfortunately, memory buttons (common on some prams where you can click one side out and then the other without having to do both at the same time) don’t feature here but due to the light and narrow nature of the carrycot, it’s not a problem to press both buttons at once… And that’s coming from a rather uncoordinated woman!
On the topic of being light, you could remove the carrycot from the chassis with baby inside if you want to take them into the house mid-sleep, or vice versa – start the nap inside then clip them into the pushchair when it’s time to hit the road. But I would add that the second carrycot can be tricky to slot into place on the adaptor when the first one is already in, and you could end up waking your wee one!
What is the Out’n’About GT Double seat unit like?
Not just a pushchair for twins, the flexible set up of the GT Double means you can transport two children of different ages and sizes, anywhere from newborn to age four. Although Oscar is just over four and a half, we gave it a try with him and here’s what we thought…
Firstly, although the seats don’t look the widest or the deepest, it’s deceiving because they definitely do the job – and Oscar, a slightly above average-sized four-and-a-half-year-old, still fitted in comfortably, straps and all. Yippee! He seemed comfortable on the nicely quilted seat liner and I was happy that it seemed a tough, durable material.
Parent-facing fans, sit this one out (no pun intended!) as the seat is only forward-facing – not surprising for a pushchair in this price range and not a deal-breaker for me. Oscar was a nosy baby and although parent-facing = eye contact, it’s not long until they’re more interested in the road ahead. If you do want to check in on them, the hood has a peephole window – but I should mention the Velcro it’s fastened down with isn’t the quietest to peel open… Beware of waking sleeping beauties or startling small passengers!
Talking of which, the hood/sun canopy is a great size, offers fab coverage and has an extra sun visor that can be pulled out when needed. I must say that although the hood stays in place, it does feel like one of the (very few) flimsier parts of the pushchair. And it’s rather noisy when moving back and forth. Not something to play around with when there are snoozing children strapped in!
When it comes to recline angles, there are infinite possibilities thanks to the strap on the back of the seat. It works like a drawstring bag – squeeze the clasp and pull down the straps to recline. Then change the length of the strap using the clasp to adjust. Unfortunately, it’s not the most seamless of operations – and not one I’d like to try whilst the toddler is napping – but I’d hope that the mechanism eases with use.
Finally, the rear panel of the buggy has a ventilated mesh window that can be left as is or covered (the cover fabric sits in a pocket above the mesh – just pull down the zips on either side of the fabric, pull the elasticated edge under the back of the rest of the seat and you’ve sealed it).

What’s the fastening like?
There’s a padded 5-point safety harness and although the clips don’t feel like the highest quality (bit of a rattly plastic sound when you’re attaching it all), they do the job. And what it may lacks there, it makes up for when it comes to the functionality – you’ll find this fastening is much less fiddly than some of its counterparts where you have to hold all the elements together to secure it in place.
With the GT Double, you attach the waist and shoulder straps on one side first, slot them into the harness anchor then repeat on the other side. Another clever design aspect is the release button, which pings the clips apart instead of you having to separate them. Faster processes like this are so welcome when little ones are involved, especially those desperate to wriggle out of their pushchair ASAP!
How do you fold the Out’n’About GT Double?
Very easily! The pushchair folds in seconds and reminds me of the Joie Mytrax (the second, more portable buggy I bought for Oscar). You can do it with one hand and in one swift move with minimal effort – music to the ears of a parent with multiples! The team at Out’n’About aren’t lying when they list the GT Double’s quick, compact folding mechanism as a big plus point.
To fold it with the toddler seat:
- Put the brake on
- Remove the adaptor by pulling up the red levers on either side and lifting it off
- Pull the black triggers on each side of the chassis outwards
- Fold the frame in half by pulling one of the ‘Pull to Fold’ handles on each seat towards you
- Ensure the catch on the side has locked into place.
To fold when using the carrycot, simply follow the above steps but first remove the carrycot by squeezing the buttons on either side and lifting it off.
To unfold it:
- Unclip the catch on the side of the chassis and unfold it back out
- If you removed the carrycot, clip it back onto the frame
How compact is the pushchair when folded?
Compared to other everyday pushchairs it’s a pretty standard size (L90 x W71 x H32cm) and sits as neatly in the house. You can remove the wheels to make it smaller and although you’ll only shave 2cm off the width and 6cm off the height, every little helps.
The front wheels tuck in and under so the bulkiest areas when folded are the rear wheels and the footplate. It obviously doesn’t fold as neatly as a single stroller, for example, but I wouldn’t say it’s longer or deeper than any other folded pushchair that offers this level of sturdiness when in use. Plus, it’s not selling itself as something that can fit in the overhead compartment of an aeroplane!

Is the Out’n’About GT Double pushchair freestanding when folded?
Afraid not. You can either lie it flat or set it up against something.
Does it fit in the boot of your car?
Yes! We have a Citroen Cactus, which luckily just fits car seats for the twins and a booster for Oscar. We knew popping a pram in the boot would be tight but the GT Double chassis definitely fits.
Adding the two carrycots, however, does mean we obscure our view out of the back window. We tried a number of configurations but the best one still left a blind spot… Possibly inevitable when you’re transporting a double pram in a fairly standard sized car, though?
To make space for anything else, like changing bags or a bike, you’d need to remove the rear wheels. This is quick and simple to do by flicking an easily visible switch and sliding them off – but perhaps an extra step you don’t need if you have to do it a couple of times per day. On short trips, though, could you make life easier by only packing the chassis and clipping in the car seats to make use of the travel system function?

When folded, how easy is it to lift the Out’n’About GT Double?
Billed as a light pushchair, I was expecting great things – but perhaps forgot to factor in the fact it’s still a double pram! It is a bit heavier than I’d anticipated (two months post-section I’m still asking my husband to help lift it) but as far as double prams go (again, using the Bugaboo Donkey Double as a comparison) it’s great! And, as previously mentioned, the carrycots are nice and light.
The only potential issue is the fact it’s not freestanding when folded. So, you’ll need to bend down super-low if it’s lying flat or, if it’s leaning, make sure you don’t scuff whatever it’s set against.
From a leaning position I’d pick the pushchair up from the chassis, grabbing it just above the footplate on either side. And if storing it flat, I’d grab the handlebar. Whichever way you choose, you’ll find upon lifting that it’s easy enough to grip. There’s also a fold handle, which means you can pull the buggy along instead of lifting it.
How effective are the Out’n’About GT pushchair’s wheels?
The 10in EVA tyres and independent rear wheel suspension make for a sturdy yet smooth ride. It may feel light and springy to push but the GT Double wheels have an excellent grip and are capable of taking on rough terrain without being annoyingly big. The perfect balance.

Are any of the wheels lockable?
Yes, the Out’n’About GT Double has two lockable 360° swivel front wheels, which are great for stability on tougher terrain. If you look under the footplate, you’ll find a push/pull knob behind each wheel. I did find the mechanism a bit fiddly but as I haven’t used this feature much yet, it’s been no biggie for me. For everyday use, the swivel option works great and the full 360° means a smooth steer when faced with sharp corners and tight spaces – perfect for city living.
How easy is it to push and steer the Out’n’About GT Double?
On first view, I was worried the lightweight aspect of this pushchair may make it feel flimsy but that wasn’t the case at all. It’s a completely different push to heavier double models and, actually, it doesn’t feel much different to pushing a large single buggy – it’s a delight to push. The handlebar is slightly padded and lightly textured with a good grip – no complaints there either.

How does it ride on smooth surfaces?
Great – it feels very light yet stable and I can happily push it one-handed for a long period of time while scouring my phone or drinking a coffee!
How does the Out’n’About feel to push on more challenging surfaces?
We tried it on deep kerbs, shallow kerbs, uneven pavements, steep grassy hills, soggy surfaces, muddy areas, deep grass and leaves, and rocky woodland walks – and the GT Double passed all tests with flying colours. In fact, I’d be comfortable tackling rougher ground with this pushchair. Obviously I’m doing a little less of the one-handed pushing here (!) and it’s a little bumpier but it’s still a super smooth and sturdy ride. The large, robust wheels can obviously handle pretty challenging ground.

Is the Out’n’About GT Double’s frame strong and durable?
For something billed as lightweight, yes, I think this is a very strong and durable chassis. It feels like it’s been well-made and built to last with the majority of its mechanisms working smoothly. It has a nice, simple matte finish and I’m delighted to report there’s not a scratch on it yet. FYI, it comes with a two-year guarantee – simply register online.
Can you adjust the height of the pushchair’s handlebar?
Yup! Having a height adjustable handle is so useful, especially for those early strolls post-section. It was good to know I could play around to find to a comfortable position.
The handlebar goes from 79 to 103cm but not in the typical fashion. Instead, it twists up and down if you simultaneously squeeze the buttons on either side of the inside of the handlebar. Each setting clicks into place as you squeeze the buttons and raise/lower the bar.
The lowest setting has the bar tucked safely away for storage purposes then there are four further settings, ranging from horizontal to vertical. The options are fine for my height (5’5”) but my 5’11” husband, who pushed the pram with the handlebar on the highest setting, did think mums and dads taller than him might struggle.

How good are the brakes?
The brakes are effective – fast and strong, gripping the rear wheels tightly so they can’t budge forward. They do ever so slightly inch backwards if pushed, though. But I must say it’s millimetres – and may be a result of my husband’s DIY skills (or lack of!) when assembling the wheels.
Like many other pushchairs, the GT double has a single brake pedal and, in bright red on the centre of the chassis, you won’t miss it. As a leftie, I find myself looking for it on the left-hand side before remembering it’s in the middle but then I suppose a centralised pedal is only fair to balance out all those right-footed people who’ll be searching on the other side! Plus, it means I never kick the brake when pushing – I can confirm all my shoes are as intact as they were pre-pushchair!
How do you rate the Out’n’About Double GT’s shopping basket?
Good – but not perfect. The underseat basket is large and deep but the capacity benefit is reduced somewhat by the chassis bar running across the width. Whilst it can be helpful in terms of keeping the basket contents secure, more often than not it’s a hindrance because I can’t fully fill the space. That said, not everyone will find they need a big basket for everyday use and compared to others on the market, this one is probably pretty generous.
The raincover fits in for sure but the chassis bar stops my changing bag from squeezing in, so I wear it as a backpack, leaving the basket for shopping and other bits and bobs. You could certainly get one good-sized bag of essentials in there, expertly positioned in under the bar, of course!
Two other things that are worth a mention. Firstly, I like the net sides. Not just for breathability (good if you’re carrying fresh food), they let you peek into a full basket to see where things are before you try to fish them out. Second up? Nothing’s fallen out yet, and with some tightly packed loads, that’s absolutely something to shout about!

How easy is it to access the basket?
The less the toddler seats are reclined, the easier it gets! When the seats are fully reclined (this is the case for carrycot set-up) it’s a decent squat work out to pack and unpack the basket. But with the seats as upright as they go, it’s far more accessible. In this position, you can really see the value in the space. It’s deep, wide and quite open – it’s just the chassis bar that means you have to shove larger bags through a smaller gap.
Are there any other storage options?
Yes! With previous prams I’ve added bag hooks (available on Amazon) but the GT Double comes equipped with a sturdy strap tied to the centre of the handlebars. Stronger than the plastic/Velcro bag hooks, it’s the perfect place for Oscar’s backpack.
Needless to say, I’ve stuck on my own hooks too. A mummy of multiples can never have too many places to hang her shopping bags!
Can the Out’n’About Double GT be used as a travel system? Which car seats are compatible?
Yes, flexibility seems to have been key in the design. You can attach either one or two carrycots and, using adapters, a wide range of seats, such as Maxi Cosi, BeSafe and Cybex.
Is the Out’n’About GT Double a stylish pushchair?
It depends what your style vibe is like. If you’re after a stunning showpiece pram, cute pastel textiles or a fancy leather finish, this isn’t the model for you. But if a good-looking pushchair with a sporty, adventurous feel to it ticks your box then it could be the one. Colour-wise there are four options – Carnival Red, Raven Black, Royal Navy and Steel Grey.
What’s in the box?
- Main GT buggy
- Seat liners
- Bumper bar
- Storage basket
- Rain cover
What is the raincover like?
The coverage is top notch (no part of the buggy seemed to be left uncovered) and although the fastenings are Velcro it was very quick and easy to fit – perfect if a downpour suddenly hits.
One concern was the lack of peekaboo window. I’ve been a fan of that feature in previous prams for replacing a dummy or giving a little fresh air. That said, you could just pick the most convenient Velcro fastening and pop a hand in there.
Storage-wise, it does take up about half of the pushchair’s basket… But that may be my poor folding skills! I added an elastic band to secure it in the smallest fold I could muster but keeping it elsewhere (in your changing bag or a carrier on the bag hook) would be an option if you needed the basket free for other things.

Are there any additional extras that you need to or can buy?
We’re more than happy with our Out’n’About Double GT as it is but if more style or convenience is needed, there are plenty of accessories on the Out’n’About website.
At the time of writing, winter is approaching and the cosy-looking, fleece-lined hand muffs (£33) are top of my list. You’ll also find a snug, shower-proof footmuff (£73) and co-ordinated changing bag (£64, and it attaches neatly with popper fasteners) in an array of bold colours. Meanwhile, mini tyre pumps (£12) and puncture repair kits (£4) are on offer for practical parents. A bottle holder (£12.99) is always a winner and if you want to go all out brand-wise, add the Out’n’About water bottle (£9.99) to your basket.
It's worth noting that if you don’t opt for the carrycot, a newborn support is available to buy. Use it with the low-lie position of the reclining seat to give extra support to your little one in the first few months. Planning lots of adventures with the GT Double? Look up the custom buggy bag and just think of the mud-free boot you’ll have!
Is the Out’n’About GT Double good value?
The pushchair comes in at £679 and adding two carrycots will take you to over £1,000. I was delighted to see it comes with a rain cover (some pushchairs will count this as an extra) but do factor in any other accessories you’ll still need – a car seat adaptor, for example.
Overall, this price point feels like fab value for the product, the versatility and the lifespan – some twin-suitable prams would set you back double the amount. Using it for four years with at least two children, there’ll naturally be wear and tear but the likelihood is you’d get a small sum for selling it on down the line.

Where can I buy the Out’n’About GT Double?
It is available from Tony Kealys and The Baby Farm.
Now you’ve tested it, what would you have wanted to know before purchasing the pushchair?
The handlebar – it would be good to know it only really changes position as opposed to being able to significantly lengthen or shorten. Fortunately this wasn’t an issue for us – just – but some parents may expect the usual handlebar adjustments and be disappointed.
Who would this pushchair be most useful for?
Parents of twins and multiples with practicalities in mind will love the Out’n’About GT Double – especially if they like to venture off-road or fold their pushchair up and go travelling.
MadeForMums verdict:
The ‘sleek design with an effortless push’ tagline sums the Out’n’About GT Double up nicely. Offering luxurious travel conditions for your little one or a fashion forward feel fit for the ‘Gram aren’t the priorities here. Instead, practicality is at the forefront – slim and light yet strong and sturdy, it feels like an “all-terrain lite” pushchair. It’s a great push on most surfaces, boasts a simple one-handed fold and – best of all – just doesn’t feel like a great big, heavy double buggy!
Whilst the Out’n’About GT Double may not have all the bells and whistles of some premium competitors (they’ve gone all out on what seems like top quality structural elements and perhaps pinched pennies when it comes to softer elements, like the textiles) it offers superb value. It does what it says on the tin – and then some.
Parents of multiples will get years of use out of this pushchair, whether it’s your main pram or a second model for travelling, adventuring or keeping at grandparents’ houses.
Product Specifications
Product | |
Brand | Out 'n' About |
Model | GT Double |
Price | £545.00 |
Dimensions & Weight | |
Weight | 12.5kg |
Height | 92cm |
Width | 71cm |
Length | 105cm |
Height (folded) | 32cm |
Width (folded) | 71cm |
Length (folded) | 90cm |
Suitable for | |
Age from | Birth |
Age to | 4 years |
Age note | approx. |
Both seats suitable from birth | Yes |
Weight up to | 22kg |
Features | |
Travel system compatible | Yes |
Seat facing direction | Forward facing and parent facing (with carrycot/car seat) |
Front wheels | Lockable swivel |
Tyre type | Puncture proof EVA wheels |
Wheel size (front) | 10in |
Wheel size (back) | 10in |
Lie flat | Yes |
Features |
Accessories | |
Accessories included |
Optional extras |