
At just 7p per nappy, Tesco Value nappies are an inexpensive option. While not the best choice for staying dry throughout the night, they could prove incredibly useful and economical, especially if you're going through more nappy changes than usual for a variety of reasons.

There are times when you just want to have the most basic, cheapest nappy possible because you know that going for the big brands would be a waste. Going to the beach for example, where changes will be down to too much sand or sitting in a rock pool rather than genuine soiling. Or to keep an emergency supply in the glove box or round at Auntie Flo’s. In this case, Tesco Value nappies may come in handy.

At only £1.47 for a pack of 20 junior size nappies (that’s 7p a nappy) they are undoubtedly one of the cheapest nappies on the market, but do you get what you pay for?

In a word, yes. As a basic white nappy, they come with no bells and whistles. The sticky tapes are just that with none of the Velcro ‘technology’ of the other brands. You get one chance at sticking and it better be right. The pack claims absorbency but doesn’t lay claim to any of the liners or special shaping that more expensive brands have.

What we love

Joshua was perfectly happy running about in his value nappy and it coped pretty well with his usual gallons of daytime juice.

Value held his usual explosive poos admirably although I was pretty vigilant about catching one just as it had been done. Knowing that the Value brand didn’t claim to have any special ‘lock-away core’ meant I was probably expecting more and faster changes anyway.

Tesco Value nappies are cheap for frequent changes (perhaps useful during bouts of upset tummy!), and are great for emergency stocks.

What to watch out for

A longish car journey timed just wrong did mean that Joshua exited the car with tell-tale wet patches round his thighs which were big enough to need a change of trousers but to be fair, I should have pre-empted it with a change before we left. However, his branded variety would have coped and more. His bottom was also a lot wetter even during the normal changes, even though his clothes were otherwise dry.

Night-time was a big no-no and I had to change Joshua at 3am because his sleep suit was wet through. He probably does drink more at night than the average baby of his age but still, most other nappies did cope until morning.

In the long run, I’d expect to have to change Value nappies much more frequently than branded or even more expensive own-brands. They’d probably stay cost-effective but I wouldn’t be happy with the amount of rubbish I’d be creating.

Who are Tesco Value nappies best for?

Mums on a very tight budget, or mums who want a very cheap emergency stash of nappies.


MadeForMums verdict?

Tesco Value nappies are exactly that, value, but you do get what you pay for and in this case, you get a less reliable nappy than more expensive brands. They are however reasonably absorbent, just be prepared to change them regularly.

Product Specifications
