Parenting is an adventure quite like no other: you really don't know what's in store until you're right in the middle of it.


There are good days, bad days and in-between days. And sometime – especially when it feels like you have absolutely no clue what you're doing – there's nothing like sitting back, taking stock and remembering you're not alone.

So, for MadeForMums' 10th birthday (hooray!) we've picked out some of our favourite parenting quotes from over the years.

They have come from a mix of celebs, influencers and authors: people who, though in the spotlight, are also ordinary mums and dads, winging it just like us.

These quotes have put things in perspective, made us laugh and helped us realise that we're pretty much all going through many of the same battles and triumphs.

Take a look.

10 inspiring parenting quotes...



Well, there's the most reassuring mantra ever – from parenting coach Sue. Often at the heart of our 'down days' of parenting, is the feeling that we're not doing as well as everybody else.

But the truth is, we're all bossing it sometimes, and not so getting it so right at other times. That's OK. Our kids forgive us, so we should forgive ourselves too: just let the bad days go.



Ah, the author of The Cat In The Hat, The Fox In Socks and so many more, Dr Seuss, the great children's author, knew exactly what he was talking about when he said this.

No child is EVER too old for story time – NEVER EVER – and it's officially the best part of the day in our minds.



Well, ain't that the truth? We've seen quite a few Instamums fess up to the fakery of the 'perfect squares' (JessJRowe aka the Crap House Wife we're looking at you!) and we LOVE it.

Life's not all perfect squares for any parent, whatever Instagram tells you. So take heart and remember it.



Yes, becoming a parent can be totally, utterly all-consuming. But it's vitally important to take care of yourself, too.

We're not necessarily talking about spa breaks without the kids every weekend (hmmm, though the odd one would be nice!) but more like half an hour uninterrupted in the bath, time alone for a cup of tea and sorting your nails out or a shopping afternoon sans baby with the girls.

Katie Piper knows how important these times are for her - hopefully you do too, and are able to squeeze some of these moments into your week where you can.



We just had to include MadeForMums' favourite dad, pretty much, of all time – actor Tom Hardy.

The star summed it up in a simple sentence there, didn't he? Nope, parenting isn’t always easy – in fact, sometimes it’s damn tough – and you’re not the only one who feels like that. Cheers for your refreshing honesty, Tom: it makes us love you even more.



Mum of 4 and a MadeForMums Awards judge, Jessica explains the balancing act of parenting perfectly. Sometimes you drop a plate, or 3, too –and guess what? That's OK.



It might sound strange to hear a mum of 5 say that motherhood can be lonely but we get what Jools is talking about here.

As busy, noisy and full-on as family life can be, sometimes you do feel alone.

If this is you, please try if you can not to to bottle it up but talk to someone instead. Chances are you're not the only one you know who's feeling this way...



Oh Ryan, how you make us laugh! And as he's a dad of 2 with a new baby on the way, we hope he's blinking just as much as he can...



Echoing the words of Sue Atkins who we heard from right at the beginning, doing your best is all you can do: perfection is not the name of the game.

And if your best means, today, you're not getting dressed and dinner's a takeaway, so be it.



US TV writer / producer and general entertainment genius Shonda Rimes has summed up motherhood perfectly for us here: yep, while you may have lots of other things going on in your life, once you're a mum, it's probably the most defining part of you.

So, don't take the low times to heart, enjoy the good times and above all remember: you're doing a brilliant job ❤️




Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
