
  • 350g Plain chocolate
  • 110g Milk chocolate
  • 175ml Double cream
  • 50g Unsalted butter
  • 1 Vanilla pod
  • Cocoa powder
    or desiccated coconut


    • step 1

      Break the chocolate into small pieces and put in a heatproof bowl with the cream and butter. Split the vanilla pod, scrape the seeds into the bowl, then add the pod.

    • step 2

      Put the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, ensuring the bowl doesn't touch the water, and melt the chocolate and butter, stirring until smooth. Remove the vanilla pod.

    • step 3

      Transfer the bowl to the freezer and cool for 10-20 minutes, stirring every five minutes until the mixture has thickened.

    • step 4

      Line a baking tray with baking parchment. Spoon out mounds of mixture with a teaspoon and roll in your hands to form a ball.

    • step 5

      Refrigerate for around two hours until firm, then dust with cocoa or desiccated coconut. If you are making these for adults, add a splash of brandy or rum to taste. Store in the fridge and eat within a week.

    For more delicious recipes, visit

    Taken from You Can Cook, DK
