
  • 4 Oranges
  • 2 x 135g packets of fruit jelly
  • 4 Sheets of rice paper
  • 16 Cocktail sticks


    • step 1

      Remove the inside flesh of the oranges and carefully scrape out the membrane, taking care not to make a hole in the skin of the oranges.

    • step 2

      Make up the jelly according to instructions, but use about four-fifths of the water so the jelly is thicker. Fill the orange halves with jelly to the top (place in bun trays to keep them steady).

    • step 3

      Refrigerate until set, then trim the orange halves so the skin’s level with the jelly and cut in half again with a sharp knife. Cut triangles from rice paper and fix with cocktail sticks to make sails.

    For lots more food ideas download Annabel’s Essential Guide to Feeding Your Baby & Toddler app. Access more than 200 delicious recipes, as well as a host of features to keep your family on track and enjoying meal times. Download from the App Store now or visit
