Develop your child's listening and concentration skills by tuning into Fun Kids radio station, aimed at children aged under 10.


With its mix of stories, jokes and music, Fun Kids makes great listening and a welcome change from a diet of toddler TV.

The channel broadcasts on DAB Digital Radio in London, Sky, Virgin and the Internet across the UK.

Pre-school output kicks off with 'Giggle' broadcasting weekdays from 9am to 1pm. Fun Kids has created a new character, Millie the Moosical Cow who introduces the stories and music and encourages children to sing and play-a-long at home.

Giggle is also the new home for Thomas and Friends stories, on-air at 11am each morning.

Find Fun Kids on DAB Digital Radio in London (just select Fun Kids), or Sky 0171.


Check out the website too for programme information, the opportunity to listen live plus competitions and games.
