If you're looking for an unusual Easter bonnet idea, we love this hatching chick – made using tissue paper stuck over the crown of the hat – popping out of a paper-plate egg.


Huge (Easter) hat tip to our parent tester and photographer Charlie Fletcher, from our MadeForMums community for making this Easter Bonnet craft with her daughter, and demonstrating how easy a make it is with her lovely step-by-step photos...

Hatching chick Easter bonnet: how to make it, step by step

You will need:

  • Yellow tissue paper
  • Scissors
  • Yellow hat
  • PVA glue
  • Sticky tape
  • 2 paper plates
  • Yellow felt or card
  • Orange felt or card
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Straw or shredded brown paper
  • Pom poms (optional)
  • Decorative flowers (optional)

Step 1: Make the tissue paper base


Cut the tissue paper into strips. Cover the top of the hat in PVA glue, then stick the strips of tissue paper over it until the top is covered in tissue paper.

Step 2: Create the eggshell with paper plates


Place 2 paper plates together, so that the sides you'd put food on are facing each other. Secure the plates together with sticky tape – but just over the top halves of the plates (so you can still open them up at the bottom). Then cut one of the plates in half horizontally with a zig zag edge.

Put the section you cut off to one side. Spread glue on the tissue-paper-covered top of the hat and then open the 2 plates wide enough to place them over the hat top and stick them in place. Trim down the section you cut off earlier, still with a zig-zag edge, and glue it around the base of the hat top.

Step 3: Add wings, a beak and eyes


Cut out 2 wings from the yellow felt or card, and glue them either side of the hat top.

From the orange felt or card, cut out a beak shape and glue that onto the front of the hat top. Next, glue the googly eyes above the beak.

Step 4: Make a nest and add decorations


Spread glue around the base of the hat top/chick and stick down straw or shredded paper to make the nest. You could also add flowers and pom poms, as shown in our picture. The flowers used here are on a thin wire and have been threaded through the hat. You can also buy craft sunflowers which, like the pompoms here, can just be stuck down with PVA glue. Leave overnight to allow the glue to dry fully before wearing.


And you're done!

Hatching chick homemade Easter bonnet

Where to buy everything you need for this hatching chick Easter bonnet

Note: When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, but this never influences our product choices.

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
