How to make eco-friendly reindeer food: magic glitter-free recipe
Follow our step by step guide to making magic food for Santa's reindeer that's kind to birds and wildlife too
One of the simplest ways to make Christmas even more magical for your child is to involve them in making special food for Father Christmas' reindeer – and then spending time on Christmas Eve sprinkling it in your garden or on your doorstep for Santa's sleigh crew to nibble while their big bearded boss nips down that chimney.
There are lots of reindeer food 'recipes' out there but most use sparkles and glitter and other ingredients that are non-biodegradable and not very friendly to wildlife. And we think if you're going to be spreading Christmassy stuff around outside, it's good to be mindful of the birds and wildlife who could come across it – as well as the reindeer, of course.
So we've come up with our own recipe for reindeer food that's eco-friendly and kind to small garden creatures, as well as big, red-nosed creatures from the North Pole.
Best of all, it's super simple to make – especially if you follow our video guide (above) and/or our step-by-step instructions below...
How to make eco-friendly reindeer food: your step-by-step guide
For the eco-friendly reindeer food mixture, you will need:
- Handful of porridge oats
- Small handful of cranberries (or any small dried fruit)
- Handful of pumpkin seeds (or other small seeds)
For making the reindeer-themed bags, you will need:
- Small bags – we've recycled some plastic cones but you could use cloth bags or make newspaper cones
- Brown pipe cleaners (£3.95)
- Stick-on googly eyes (£1)
- Red pom-poms (£1)
- Craft glue (£4)
How to mix the reindeer food:
- Pour all the dry ingredients in a bowl
- Stir them all together to combine
How to bag your reindeer food:
- Scoop a portion of the mixture into each bag
- Tie and secure each bag with a pipe cleaner, curving the ends so they look like antlers
- Stick 2 googly eyes and 1 pom-pom nose on each bag
Video produced and edited by: Emma Onuma
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Janet is a Digital Journalist for MadeForMums and mother to a boy and girl both under 4. With a keen eye and passion for creating online media content, she enjoys sharing her own journey of motherhood, and providing encouragement for new mums.