Easter trees are now very much a thing in the UK. And actually, they've been a thing in Germany for ages, where there's a long tradition of gathering pretty, bud-laden twigs (often from a pussy-willow tree) and decorating them with colourful Easter eggs – chocolate, ceramic or card – to make an 'Ostereierbaum'.


We really like the idea of hanging bunnies and spring flowers, as well as Easter eggs, on a special Easter tree: it's pretty and joyful and fun – and super-simple to do...

Here's how to make an Easter tree in 5 easy steps

What you'll need:

  • A selection of about 12 pretty twigs or a ready-made twig-tree (see Where to buy, below)
  • 8 to 10 plain hanging eggs, either home-made from card or ready-made ceramic eggs (see Where to buy, below)
  • Paints and paintbrushes
  • Ribbon and glue, optional
  • Soft-toy bunny or mini fluffy Easter chicks

How to make it:

1. Place your tree where you'd like it to be. If you've collected branches, you could place them in a Mason jar or big vase or jug.

2. Decorate your ceramic or cardboard eggs with in bright paint colours – spots and stripes work well.

3. Once the paint on the eggs is dry, glue on ribbon bows, if you like.

4. Hang the eggs on the branches.

5. Add an Easter bunny or some Easter chicks around the base, if you like, for an extra Easter-y touch.

girl with Easter bunny looking at easter tree

Where to buy what you need for your Easter tree:

Pics: Getty Images


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