I think I'd better stick my colours to the mast on this one right now. I've gone out in pjs many a time. I did it last night in fact to get an emergency Flake from the Co-op to have with my bedtime tea.


I'm usually dressed when I take my daughter to school as I'm heading straight to work after. But, if I had a day off or was ill but still had to do the school run – I'd have no qualms whatsoever about dropping her off in my plaid pyjamas.

So goodness only knows what sort of trouble I'd be in if my little one attended Skerne Park Primary School in Darlington. Head teacher Kate Chisholm has written to parents requesting that they make sure they are dressed in day wear when taking and picking their kids up from school.

Ms Chisholm writes that she has "noticed an increasing tendency for parents to escort children while still wearing their pyjamas and, on occasion, even slippers".

She told local press: "We want the very best for our children and we do feel that parents turning up in their pyjamas to bring their children to school or for school meetings are setting a bad example to our children."

Where do we draw the line?

Now, I know there are plenty of people who are right with Ms Chisholm on this one, and to a point, I actually do get it. But there is a side of this I find worrisome too.

Is the parent who turns up every morning with a full face of slap and designer gear setting a good example – or are they just showing their kid that looks and expensive clothes are what matter?

Is there a difference between a mum turning up in Ralph Lauren PJs compared to Primark comfies?

If a mum turns up wearing "too much" make-up is she jeopardising her daughter's body confidence by suggesting natural beauty isn't enough?

A slippery slope

For Ms Chisholm, it's just about PJs – but I worry this could be the start of a slippery slope. Where will a head teacher's right to decide how a parent should look end?

And isn't judging parenting by appearance a pretty dodgy way to go?

And in case you're wondering, yes – there's a pretty high chance that I'm writing this in my slippers...


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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
