Sunshine Toast - step-by-step recipe
Perfect recipe to make with your children, use a cookie cutter to serve up this novel take on egg on toast

You will need:
- 1 slice of bread
- 1 small or medium egg
- oil for greasing
- butter or margarine (optional)
- a large cookie cutter
- a baking sheet
Heat your oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6, before you start.
The toast needs to be eaten as soon as it's cooked.
You can use any cutter that makes a hole that is big enough to put an egg in.
Step 1

Lightly grease a baking tray.
Step 2

Using a knife, spread butter or margarine on one side of the slice of bread if required.
Press your cookie cutter into the middle of the bread to cut out a shape.
Step 3

Lift out the shape you have cut out. Put both pieces of bread onto the baking tray, with the buttered side upwards.
Step 4

Break the egg onto a saucer. Then, carefully slide the egg into the hole in the bread. Put the baking tray in the oven.
Step 5

Bake the bread and egg in the oven for seven minutes, or for a little longer if you don't like a runny egg yolk.
Step 6

Wearing oven gloves, carefully lift the baking sheet out of the oven. Then, lift the pieces of toast onto a plate (use a fish slice).
Recipe taken from Usborne’s Easter Cooking, £4.99
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