Top tips for new mums
Life being a mum is a whole new adventure, so here’s some great advice on how to cope with different situations and some nice little reminders on the important things…

You're important too
“Don’t forget your own needs. You’re the captain of the ship and if you go down, they go down too.”
Helen, 44, mum to Lucy 12, Max, 11, Laura, 8, Miki, 3 and step-mum to Lily, 9
“Always allow a bit of time to yourself each day, even if it’s just 10 minutes. You’ll feel so much better for it – and if you’re happy, your baby will be too.”
Amanda Richards, 23, mum to Sam, 6 months
“Make sure you make some time for yourself. It may sound impossible, but it’s so important not to forget. Give your baby to your mum or partner to look after, even if it’s just for half an hour while you have a bath. It’s not selfish – if you’re struggling and feeling stressed then it’s going to affect your baby too.”
All new mums deserve a treat, whether that's a spa day, brownies or a hamper full of goodies. Discover our ultimate list of gifts for new mums, including suggestions from our community as well as expert picks for all budgets.
Jacqueline Rees, 32, mum to Charlie, 18 months and Rowena, 3 weeks
Milestone memories
“Keep a book of baby memories. Make a note of early milestones and include pictures. They grow up so fast it’s easy to forget special moments. It’ll be nice to look at them when they’re older.”
Amy, 27, mum to James, 3 and Robbie, 5 months
"Write down all your baby’s milestones, from her first smile to first words. They all happen so quickly and it’s worth treasuring every moment!"
Anne, 32, mum to Fiona, 2 months
Trust your gut feelings
“Trust your own instincts. Everyone will give you tons of advice but it may not be what is right for you just because it works for them.”
Joanne, 29, mum to Shannon, 11, Thomas 7, Emma, 2, and Harry, 3 weeks
Keep active
“Stay active. Being a mum requires a lot of energy and it really helps if you’re fit and healthy. Even if it’s just a 20 minute walk during the say, it gives you a boost.”
Alice, 29, mum to Kevin, 5 and Lizzie, 6 months
“Finding time to stay healthy can be hard, so I bought the Argos Value Range Gym Ball (£4.99 from Argos). I can easily fit it into my routine while my toddler is sleeping or playing.”
Fay Langley, 24, from Reading, mum to Jessica, 3 and 16 weeks pregnant
Stop worrying about others opinions
"Don’t worry what other people think. If your hair or the housework isn’t done it doesn’t matter."
Louisa, 34, mum to Emma, 12, and twins Callum and Spencer, 11
"In the past, with my older children, if they had a tantrum while we were out I was more worried about what other people may have thought than I was about my children. “If you don’t like it, keep on walking” is what I think now."
Terri, 42, mum to Jeffrey, 21, Meredith, 19, Christopher 18, James, 17, Gabriel, 6 and Emily 2
Don't worry about bedroom action
"Wait until you feel completely ready before you hot things up under the covers with your man. I felt guilty after my first baby and rushed things, but after my second baby we took things slowly and were both far more comfortable."
Rachel, 32, mum to Andrew, 3 and Lauren, 18 months
Pamper yourself
"Spend some time making yourself look gorgeous. While your baby is having a nap, put on some body moisturiser while you have the chance. It’ll make all the difference to stretch marks and you’ll feel great too!"
Sarah, 25, mum to Samantha, 3 months
Mums make great mates
"Whether it’s your NCT group or local activity groups, it’s so important to make friends with other mums. They’re always there when you need them to share and comfort your baby traumas."
Janine, 29, mum to Adam, 2 and Lilly, 6 months
“Make sure you make friends with other new mums from NCT classes or at a local community centre. It really helped me, not just for getting reassurance and advice, but getting out the house and staying sociable.”
Sally Cox, 33, mum to Alfie, 6 and Susie, 3 months
Your baby knows you better than you think
"Put yourself first. Babies are cleverer than you think. If you’re grouchy and exhausted, your baby will reflect how you feel. Try getting as much rest for yourself as possible. A happy mum makes a happy baby."
Anna, 28, mum to Leah, 7 months
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- Mums' practical tips and advice
Keep laughing
"Keep a sense of humour. Being able to see the funny side of things can get you through lots of difficult moments when you’re stressed. Just to sit back and laugh helps diffuse those moments."
Joslyn, 32, mum to Felix, 5 and Maddie, 4
“Life is too short to get stressed about every little thing – you just have to laugh. It really helps in the tough moments.”
Kristin Stansfield, mum to Heidi, 4 and Emma, 2
Take a break
"Have a break from your daily baby-focussed activities. Just 15 minutes reading or watching TV will help stop you going insane!"
Eve, 27, mum to Rosie, 9 months
Let people help you out
‘You may have all these grand plans to be a super-mum, but it’s impossible. Swallow your pride and accept as much help from other people as you can. Otherwise, you’ll feel stressed and unhappy, and it’ll only rub off on your baby.’
Helen, 27, mum to Ian, 17 weeks
"Accept and seek support from family and friends – especially with twins – during the first few months."
Delyth, 41, mum to twins Ellen and Abbey, 4
Lorna, 24, mum to Elsie, 6 months
“If your mother/mother-in-law/friend/neighbour is offering to help out after the baby is born, accept without hesitation! You may think you want to do it all yourself now, but in the first couple of months, everyone needs a little extra help. After all, you’ll want to spend as much free time as possible getting to know your baby.”
Becky Seery, 35, mum to Jake, 2
“As a new mum you should accept help from loved ones. Little things like someone making dinner to doing the ironing can make such a big difference. My family loved helping me and I got to catch up on some much-needed sleep.”
Jodie Bacon, 31, from Basildon, mum to Jasmine, 8, Freddy, 6 and Lennon, 22 months
Don't miss a meal
"It sounds silly, but remember to eat! It’s so easy to forget yourself, especially in the early months. Have nutritious food to hand that can be eaten straightaway, or at least prepared quickly."
Ellie, 25, mum to Amy, 3 and Sammy, 13 months
Embrace your new life
“Don’t try to combine your old life with your new life – at least not for the first few weeks anyway!”
Nicola Scott, 37, mum to Elsie, 12 week
Things don't always go to plan, and that's okay
“You have to learn that there’s not always going to be an itinerary with a new baby, because it doesn’t work that way. You have to chill out more and just enjoy being a mum.”
Abi, 31, mum to Eloise, 4 months
“The first few weeks are sometimes mind-blowing and definitely exhausting but it does get easier. Every new phase with your baby goes by so quickly that you forget what it was like in a matter of days anyways, so don’t panic if you’re in a bad patch – and enjoy the good times!”
Tess, 32, mum to Malachy, 1
Catch those Zzz's
“In the early days, I wish I’d taken the chance to sleep when Lorrie slept, instead of rushing round the house trying to tidy up and catch up on housework. Always take the opportunity to nap, or at least put your feet up when you can.”