At what age should children stop trick or treating on Halloween?
Mums reveal when they think kids should stop trick or treating on Halloween: should children still trick or treat after primary school? Can you still trick or treat at 16? Find out here...

Lots of us find trick or treating a fun way to spend Halloween: whether you’re with your toddler, primary school child – or your teenagers are going around with friends.
But is there an age when children dressed in spooky costumes and politely knocking on doors asking for sweets becomes… not so cute?
To find out, we asked our mums on Instagram if they thought there was an age when kids should STOP trick or treating all together. Here’s what they told us…
When should children stop trick or treating? What our mums said
The answers on this one were SO varied. It seems everyone’s got their own idea – and there is no concrete answer.
The most popular answers were:
- 11 years old (so when they finish primary and start secondary school)
- 12 years old
- 15 years old – when they’ve become fully-fledged teenagers.
Though several mums said 13, 14 and 16, too. On the extreme more ends, one mum though it stopped being appropriate aged 8, and another thought it was fine until age 18.
We like Catty_f86’s view: “When they stop making the effort with outfits. No costume, no trick or treating!”
Brogan G reckons it’s up to the child to finally leave it be: “When they decide they don’t want to anymore. Let them enjoy the magic for as long as possible…”
Of course, some children might seem younger than they actually are - so we'd say just do what feels right for your family ❤️
Is there a legal age to stop trick or treating?
No, there’s no laws around trick or treating here in the UK. When your child is under 16, you’re liable to pay any fines if there’s any anti-social behaviour going on while they’re out and about.
This is relevant to those with older teenagers – even though, we know most will be good as gold.
And, as a third of our mums admitted, they likely won’t be allowed to go trick or treating without a parent present, anyway.
What the expert says
Educational psychologist Naomi Burgess reckons that past a certain age, kids will decide to stop trick or treating all on their own. Too embarrassing!
"My view is that young teens become increasingly self-conscious about knocking on doors and asking for treats," she tells MadeForMums.
"And while they might still like the fancy dress, they probably prefer just being together and organising their own Halloween fun!"
Indeed, hosting a fun Halloween party may be more up their street...
Share your thoughts
What do you make of our mums’ views? And does it ever any annoy you when older kids (teenagers) try trick or treating in your area? Let us know in the comments below…
Images: Getty