
For the marinade and dressing

  • 4tbsp Honey
  • 1tsp Dijon mustard
  • ½tsp Garlic powder
  • ¼tsp Paprika
  • ½ Lemon

For the pasta salad and chicken

  • 300g Mini chicken fillets
  • 400g Pasta
  • 3 Rashers of bacon
  • 1 Avocado
  • 16 Cherry tomatoes
  • 1 Green pepper


    • step 1

      First make the marinade and dressing by combining all the ingredients in a jar or bottle and giving it a good shake. Set half aside to use later as the dressing. Use the remaining half to marinade the mini chicken fillets in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

    • step 2

      Cook the pasta according to the package instructions. When cooked, drain the pasta and run under a cold tap to cool it down. Place the cooled pasta in a bowl.

    • step 3

      Chop the bacon into bite sized pieces and fry for 4-5 minutes until crispy. Add to the cooked pasta, along with the chopped avocado, tomatoes and pepper.

    • step 4

      Remove the chicken from the fridge and fry on a griddle or frying pan in a little oil for 3-4 minutes on both sides or until they are cooked through.

    • step 5

      Add the cooked chicken to the top of the pasta salad and serve immediately with the remaining honey mustard dressing, either on the side or drizzled on top.

    For more recipes, visit: My Fussy Eater
