Free Alphablocks early reading games for children
Download free phonics games for children

Alphablocks is the only pre-school magazine all about phonics - and we have some free downloadable activities from it to help your children with early reading skills.
Do word magic with the Alphablocks!
Say the sounds and blend them together to make words. On this activity sheet, your child will have words to write and pictures to colour.
Download your free Alphablocks Word Magic activity here

An Alphablocks story
You can either read this simple story to your child, or challenge them to try and read it to you. It is designed to help your little one to read a story independently, and to learn more about letter sounds by blending sounds together to make words and.
Download PAGE 1 of the story here
Download PAGE 2 of the story here
Download PAGE 3 of the story here
Alphablocks magazine is out now. It is the only magazine that supports phonics. It encourages children and their parents to read and make words together so they can share a sense of achievement as the child builds the skills to begin learning independently. With sticker pages, stories, puzzles, drawing, things to make and games to play, the magazine breaks reading down into achievable, age-appropriate steps, helping to familiarise children with the 26 sounds of the alphabet.