How to make fluffy cloud dough - in 5 minutes flat
Light and soft but just as mouldable as playdough, fluffy cloud dough is super-quick to make and only has 2 ingredients

Fluffy cloud dough is a twist on playdough: it has all the mouldable texture of playdough but it's lighter and feels every so silky soft and smooth. And you can make it at home with only 2 ingredients – and no cooking!
One of our MadeForMums crafters, Claire Angel Hamilton, has come up with simple step-by-step instructions for how to make it in 5 minutes flat...
You will need:
- Body lotion or hair conditioner
- Cornflour
- food colouring (optional)
Step 1: Mixing Body Lotion and Cornflour
Put a few pumps of body lotion into a bowl and add a few tablespoons of cornflour, 1 at a time, and mix together. You're aiming for about twice as much cornflour as body lotion.

Step 2: Kneading into Dough
Keep mixing the cornflour and lotion together until you start getting something resembling the texture of dough. Add more cornflour to thicken, if you need to. Then take the mixture out of the bowl and knead until you have a light, mouldable dough. You can add food colouring for a pop of colour, if you'd like to, but only if you don't mind it coming off a little on your child's hands.

Now you're ready to play!
The fluffy cloud dough should keep, in a plastic bag inside an airtight container, for a good week. If it starts to feel a little stiff, just add a little more body lotion and knead it in.