A few weeks ago we shared an adorable pic of Princess Charlotte off to her first day at nursery. While we couldn't see what she was wearing underneath her smart red coat, the colour co-ordination of her outfit (red coat, smart grey tights and red shoes) suggested there may be a dress code, perhaps a uniform, at her nursery.


So we decided to ask our mums on Facebook what their little ones wore to pre-school, and we found quite a mix. There were a few differing opinions, too, on whether uniform for ones so young is a good idea or not.

"My son wears uniform at nursery, I think it's a fab idea," Sarah W tells us. "Saves his normal clothes getting ruined, and as soon as his uniform goes on he knows he's going to nursery."

And Helen S agrees: 'It was my little boy's first day at big boy nursery this week. He loves wearing his uniform, makes him feel so much more grown up."

Lucie C thinks uniform makes a lot of sense, too: "I love uniform for nursery. Saves clothes and means everyone knows what they are doing on school days - me included.

Mmm, quite the thumbs up so far then? ? ? ?

Of course though - there were plenty of mums on the side of the argument, too.

"I think nursery is far too young for the formalities of a uniform," Joanna T says. "They are at school long enough to made into mini clones, let them have some freedom while they can."

And Stacey B agrees, adding: "No uniform, plenty of time for that when they go to school!"

With these differing opinions in mind, we reckon this nursery, which mum Rachel C's little one goes to, has it about right:

"My son's nursery gives you the choice of your own clothes or buy their uniform. I always go for the uniform. It doesn't mess their clothes.

"It makes them look smart and presentable. If anything happened you would be able to identify where he is from."

We like that last point too, Rachel. ?

What do you think?

Would you prefer to have your child in uniform at nursery - or do you think it's too young? Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
