Your toddler at 13 months
Can you believe it? Your baby is now a toddler. Watch out as she starts to investigate her world even more, making use of her new-found physical prowess.
What’s happening with your toddler?
By 13 months, she may have reached the following stages:
Cruising and walking: She may be actively cruising (holding on as she moves between furniture) or walking by 13 months. But don’t worry if she is not walking yet. As we’ve said before some toddlers only make the move on their own at about 16 months, or even later. She’ll take it at her own speed!
Exploring and destroying: Watch out, she wants to touch everything, so ensure you have childproofed your home. She may also be starting to climb things – so lower her cot if you’ve not done so already.
Falling: Oops! With the new movement, comes falls and bumps. She’s learning to balance and is probably distracted by what’s going on around her. But with the falls she also learn. Just make sure she’s in a safe area, with no sharp edges.
Talking and communicating: It’s wonderful when she first utters ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada’ – or maybe even ‘cat’. She is now starting to use the occasional recognisable word. She’s also beginning to use other ways to communicate – clapping, pointing and reaching up to you – not just crying to make herself understood. What a relief!
How you can help your toddler this month
Missing you: Perfectly timed for your return to work, she starts to miss you. Despite her growing physical independence, she is upset when you leave the room and may hang onto your legs. You need to play a careful balancing act by providing her with reassurance about your return without over protecting her.
Your toddler’s health
More vaccinations: As she reaches 13 months, your GP or health visitor will advise you of the next round of injections due. These will vary by health authority, but may include the HIB/Meningitis Booster, the Pneumococcal (PCV) Booster and the first MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella).
Play ideas for your toddler
Story time: It’s time to start using proper sentences and grown up language with her – moving away from just baby talk. Take time to look at books together or go to toddler story time at your local library. Use different expressions and tones of voice and she’ll try to join in. Reading will show her that talking is fun!
Your child’s development may not be exactly the same as these descriptions since all children will develop at their own pace. This is an approximate guide of some of the new skills your little one may be developing. If you have any concerns, always speak to your health visitor or GP.
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