What’s happening with your toddler?

By 18 months, he may have reached the following stages:


Brain power: There is often a growth spurt in brain development around 18 months, coinciding with his developing motor, language, social and reasoning skills. He may seem unsettled and difficult during this period as he goes through some massive development.

Linking words: He may now be able to say up to 6 words and link together 3 words. Try not to correct his pronunciation of individual words, just use them correctly yourself in follow-up sentences.

Page turner: He’s enjoying playing an active part in story time now and can help you to turn the pages as well – flipping them back and forth. You may want to keep some books safe to one side between readings and leave him with the harder cardboard books that are less easily damaged!

Kneeling and squatting: See that amazing strength in his little legs – wow what quads he must have! Along with his improved walking, he may also be able to kneel without support and squat and then stand up.

How you can help your toddler this month

Buggy rebellion: He’s getting more proficient at walking now, so look for opportunities for him to walk alongside you, resisting the temptation to bundle him straight into the buggy. Now is the time to teach him early road safety, holding your hand and waiting for the green man. You may want to consider reigns if you are nervous about safety in your area.

Your toddler’s health

Not yet walking? It’s not unusual for him not to be walking – especially if he’s found a quicker way to get around such as monkey crawling or bum shuffling. But you may wish to speak to your health visitor or GP if he’s not walking by 18 months. They will help to put your mind at rest.

Play ideas for your toddler

Simple puzzles: Help aid that spurt of brain growth with toys to develop his co-ordination and fine motor skills. Simple 2 or 3 piece puzzles will help his reasoning skills, while wooden puzzles with little knobs will teach him to position small pieces. He’ll also enjoy stacking rings.

Water play: He will love a washing-up bowl of water and toy cups or a small watering can to potter about the garden with. Encourage him to splash and make bubbles – let him enjoy getting wet.


Your child’s development may not be exactly the same as these descriptions since all children will develop at their own pace. This is an approximate guide of some of the new skills your little one may be developing. If you have any concerns, always speak to your health visitor or GP.
