If your budget allows it – and you’ve got the space in your nursery or home – there are plenty of baby products that are nice extras. While they do have a use, they’re not essentials.

You might find you don't want or need any of these. However, it's worth knowing about them and crossing them off your list, rather than have a last minute pre-baby panic!

You’ll probably find these are the kinds of items that are given to you as baby shower or new baby gifts too, so don’t go overboard on buying these in pregnancy. You can download and print off a checklist of these nice to have baby items - for yourself or to drop hints by passing on to friends!

Baby products that are nice extras


Getting around:

  • Buggy parasol
  • Buggy toys

Nappy changing and bathing:

  • Top and tail bowl
  • Baby brush and comb
  • Baby toiletries
  • Nappy wrapper if using disposable nappies


  • Bottle warmer


  • Baby outfits

Download our free, easy-to-follow baby "nice to have" checklist to print out and take shopping.
